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The solution is as follows. First find the final velocity. Second use the final velocity to find the time.

(final velocity squared) = (initial velocity squared) + 2gh




taking the square root yields


The final velocity and the time are related by the equation vf=vi+gt, rearranging


t=[77.59(ft/s)-30(ft/s)]/32(ft/s^2=47.59(ft/s)/32ft/s^2=1.49s You can check the answer as follows:





which is equivalent to the 80 ft in the original problem except for rounding errors. Note: the notation here is awkward but I haven't found an equation editor iw Wiki.

h^2 means h squared

ft/s^2 means feet per second squared

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Q: If an object is thrown downward with an initial velocity of 30 feet per second from a height of 80 feet above the ground how long will it take to hit the ground?
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