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It is twenty because 20 times 5 = 100

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Q: If the product is 100 and one factor is 5 what is the other factor?
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What is a product resulting from multiplying one factor by one digit of the other factor?

A partial product.

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When one factor is less than one, the product will be less than the other factor.

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What do you know about the product if one of the factors is less than one?

The product will be less than the other factor.

When one factor in multiplication is greater than one is the product greater or less than the other factor?

The terms (factors) used in multiplication are the multiplicand (the factor being multiplied), the multiplier (the factor that the multiplicand is multiplied by) and the product (the answer, or results of the multiplication). Any time either of the factors is greater than the other by at least one, the product will always be greater than the largest factor.

When one factor is less than 1 is the product greater or less than the other factor?

The product is less than the other factor. For example: 0.5 x 6 = 3. 3 is less than the factor that is greater than 1 (which is 6).

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It is the number one.

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If one factor is 48 and the other is unknown, divide both sides of the equation by 48. 48 x ? = 4608 ? = 96

How do you estimate a product by rounding one factor down and left the other factor unchanged?

You cannot since the suggested method will always lead to an underestimate.

How could you use the product of one half and 200 to find the product of one eighth and 200?

The creator of the original question wants you to understand that since 1/2 and 1/8 differ by a factor of four, the products will differ by a factor of four, making the first product 100 and the second product 25. It's an unnecessary extra step, since 200/8 = 25

75 is the product of 2 factors. one factor is three times the other factor.what are the factors?

5 and 15