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Q: If there are 3 different samples from a set population can you get 3 different values for the same statistic?
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What do you mean by a statistic and its sampling distribution?

A statistic is a summary measure of some characteristic of a population. If you were to take repeated samples from the population you would not get the same statistic each time - it would vary. And the set of values you would get is its sampling distribution.

What does weighted average mean?

The weighted arithmetic mean is used, if one wants to combine average values from samples of the same population with different sample sizes: : The weights wi represent the bounds of the partial sample. In other applications they represent a measure for the reliability of the influence upon the mean by respective values. rhinostar

What is a score value?

for a normal-shaped distribution with n=50 and siqma =8 : a- what proportion of the scores have values between 46 and 54? b- for samples of n= 4, what means have values what proportion of the sample mean have values between 46 and 54? c- for samples of n= 16, what means have values what proportion of the sample mean have values between 46 and 54?

Can two sets of data consist of different numbers but have the same mean median and mode?

one sample: 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5 another sample: -5, -2, 3, 3, 8, 11 These two samples have the same mean, median and mode. It's easy to make some of the elements of the samples different and keep the mean and median the same. However, since the mode is a most frequently observed value it has to be common to both samples. So to achieve a common mode some of the observed values must be the same.

Difference between calculating the sample mean and the population mean?

The same basic formula is used to calculate the sample or population mean. The sample mean is x bar and the population mean is mu. Add all the values in the sample or population and divide by the number of data values.

Related questions

What is the purpose of a sampling distribution?

A statistic based on a sample is an estimate of some population characteristic. However, samples will differ and so the statistic - which is based on the sample - will take different values. The sampling distribution gives an indication of ho accurate the sample statistic is to its population counterpart.

What is the distribution of values taken by a statistic in all possible samples of equal size from the same population?

It is the sampling distribution of that variable.

What do you mean by a statistic and its sampling distribution?

A statistic is a summary measure of some characteristic of a population. If you were to take repeated samples from the population you would not get the same statistic each time - it would vary. And the set of values you would get is its sampling distribution.

What is the meaning of Sampling distribution of the test statistic?

Given any sample size there are many samples of that size that can be drawn from the population. In the population is N and the sample size in n, then there are NCn, but remember that the population can be infinite. A test statistic is a value that is calculated from only the observations in a sample (no unknown parameters are estimated). The value of the test statistic will change from sample to sample. The sampling distribution of a test statistic is the probability distribution function for all the values that the test statistic can take across all possible samples.

If repeating an experiment many times with different samples what values for the sample means would be possible?

The answer depends on the population and is described by the sampling distribution of the mean.

Will all random samples from a given population have the same mean?

Data from random samples will not always include the same values. Values are chosen randomly and they may or may not be the same. So means will vary among random samples.

Which symbol is a test statistic used to test a hypothesis about a population mean?

The answer depends on what character is used for the variable that is used for the population values.

What does weighted average mean?

The weighted arithmetic mean is used, if one wants to combine average values from samples of the same population with different sample sizes: : The weights wi represent the bounds of the partial sample. In other applications they represent a measure for the reliability of the influence upon the mean by respective values. rhinostar

What is a score value?

for a normal-shaped distribution with n=50 and siqma =8 : a- what proportion of the scores have values between 46 and 54? b- for samples of n= 4, what means have values what proportion of the sample mean have values between 46 and 54? c- for samples of n= 16, what means have values what proportion of the sample mean have values between 46 and 54?

What do large values of a chi square statistic indicate?

A large value for the chi-squared statistic indicates that one should be suspiciuous of the null hypothesis, because the expected values and the observed values willdiffer by a large amount

On average what value is expected for the t statistic when the null hypothesis is true?

When the null hypothesis is true, the expected value for the t statistic is 0. This is because the t statistic is calculated as the difference between the sample mean and the hypothesized population mean, divided by the standard error, and when the null hypothesis is true, these values should be equal, resulting in a t statistic of 0.

What does the measure of central trendency tell us about the data?

In general when you take a sample of values of a random variable you will find that those values lie around some central value that is characteristic of the total population for the random variable. A measure of central tendancy (such as a sample mean, sample mode or sample median) is a statistic which is intended to estimate the central value of the population using the values in the sample in some way.