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I think you're asking what multiplying a number by itself is called. If so, it's called "squaring" or "squared". For example:

2 squared, (or 2 x 2) which is 22 = 4

5 squared, (or 5 x 5) which is 52 = 25

12 squared, (or 12 x 12) which is 122 = 144

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Q: If you multiply a number times it self what is the answer?
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A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.

To multiply a number by its self?

That is also called "squaring the number", or "raising the number to the second power".