Divisor is the number you're dividing (the number on top). Dividend is the number it's being divided by (the number on the bottom)
The quotient is the answer.
Multiply the quotient by the divisor to result in the dividend.If dividend/divisor=quotient, then dividend=quotient x divisor
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient.
You divide the dividend by the divisor (or the divisor 'into' the dividend) to get the quotient.
In division the dividend is divided by the divisor to produce a quotient.
Quotient (i.e. quotient = divisor/dividend)
Multiply the quotient by the divisor to result in the dividend.If dividend/divisor=quotient, then dividend=quotient x divisor
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient.
the parts of division problem are : dividend , divisor , quotient and remainder . where : dividend = quotient * divisor + remainder
A division is a dividend divided by the divisor to give the quotient; this is written as:quotient = dividend ÷ divisorA division can also be expressed as the divisor divided into a dividend to give the quotient; this is written as:................. quotient.............. ------------divisor | dividendThe quotient can be just the whole part of the result of the division, in which case there may also be a remainder.
The two numbers that give you the quotient in a division operation are the dividend and the divisor. The dividend is the number being divided, while the divisor is the number by which the dividend is being divided. The result of the division operation is the quotient. For example, in the division problem 10 ÷ 2 = 5, 10 is the dividend, 2 is the divisor, and 5 is the quotient.
You divide the dividend by the divisor (or the divisor 'into' the dividend) to get the quotient.
In division the dividend is divided by the divisor to produce a quotient.
Quotient (i.e. quotient = divisor/dividend)
The divisor and the answer is the quotient
They are the dividend and the divisor, with the answer being the quotient.
quotient (ie. quotient = dividend / divisor)
dividend ÷ divisor = quotient