13 and 4 are relatively prime.
Numbers are considered relatively prime if they have no prime factors in common, that is, that their GCF is 1. 4 and 9 are relatively prime.
Any prime number is relatively prime to any other prime number.
Yes, they are relatively prime.
It can be. 16 is relatively prime with 25.
13 and 4 are relatively prime.
Yes, 4 and 21 are relatively prime. Numbers that are relatively prime only have the number 1 as a common factor. That is the case with 4 and 21.
Nine can only be relatively prime when compared to another number or set of numbers. 9 is relatively prime to 4, 9 is not relatively prime to 12.
No,2 is a prime number but 2 and 4 are not relatively prime because both have common factor 2 which is other than 1.
Numbers are considered relatively prime if they have no prime factors in common, that is, that their GCF is 1. 4 and 9 are relatively prime.
Numbers are co-prime, or relatively prime, if their GCF is 1. 4 and 9 are relatively prime.
No, they are not relatively prime.
Any prime number is relatively prime to any other prime number.
Yes, they are relatively prime.
No, 100 and 202 are not relatively prime. Relatively prime numbers only have the number 1 as a common factor. The number 1 is a common factor for them, but the number 2 is another common factor that they have, so they are not relatively prime.
Yes, 4 and 15 are relatively prime.
A number is relatively prime to another number or set of numbers when their GCF is 1.