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No, but vice versa holds true.

Case and point:

6 is a multiple of 2, but not a multiple of 4.

8 is a multiple of 4, and is a multiple of 2.

Because a factor of 4 is 2, every multiple of 4 is also a multiple of 2. But since 4 is not a factor of 2, rather, only half of it, only half of the multiples of 2 will be multiples of 4.

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Q: Is A multiple of 2 is also a multiple of 4?
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No. Any multiple of 4 is automatically also a multiple of 2. This is because 2 is, in turn, a factor of 4.

Is any multiple of 4 is also a multiple of 2?

Most likeely.

Is any multiple of 2 is also a multiple of 4?

yes 2x4=8 4x2=8 or 2x6=12 3x4=12 No, but any multiple of 2 is a multiple of 4. For example, 26 is a multiple of 2 (x13) but NOT a multiple of 4 (4x6=24; 4x7=28).

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Because 6 is a multiple of 2 and not of 4.

What is the LCM of 2 4 6 and 9?

The LCM of 6, 9, 4, and 2 is 36. The LCM must include at least 2·2 to be a multiple of 4 and 3·3 to be a multiple of 9. 2·2·3·3 = 36 = which is also a multiple of both 2 and 6.

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4 4 is the second multiple of 2 and the first multiple of itself, so it is the LCM of 2 and 4.

Why multiple of 4 is not a multiple of 2?

because... 4 does not go into 2 so it's not a multiple All multiples of 4 are multiples of 2.

Is 2842 divisible by 6?

no, 2+8+4+2 (the digits) is 16 which is not a multiple of three. So it's not a multiple of 6 also

Any multiple of 8 is also a multiple of 4?

8 2X4, any multiple of 8 say n8 2X4Xn and is therefore divisible by both 2 and 4

What is the lowest common multiple of of2and 4?

it is 4,4 is a multiple of 4 by 1and4 is a multiple of 2 by 2

What is the multiple of 4 and 20?

Any multiple of 20 is also a multiple of 4.