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Q: Is a stratified random sample preferable to a simple random sample when there are known subgroups within the population that the researcher thinks may inpact the results?
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Why do you use Stratified sampling?

They have used Stratified Sample. Design because stratified sample is a sampling technique in which the researcher divided the entire target population into different subgroups, or strata, and then randomly selects the final subjects proportionally from the different strata. This type of sampling is used when the researcher wants to highlight specific subgroups within the population. So in this Research this technique is used by the researcher.

A survey was mailed to a total of 400 students 100 were randomly selected from each of the freshman sophomore junior and senior classes last semester What sampling method was used?

Stratified Sampling Method Stratified sampling is a probability sampling technique wherein the researcher divides the entire population into different subgroups or strata, then randomly selects the final subjects proportionally from the different strata.

Is the best description of a stratified random sample?

Stratified random sampling is a form of probability sampling that provides a methodology for dividing a population into smaller subgroups as a means of ensuring greater accuracy of your high-level survey results. The smaller subgroups are called strata. Stratified random sampling is also called proportional or quota random sampling.

What includes all the subgroups within a given population in numbers that are proportionally equal to those found in that population?

Stratified random sampling includes all subgroups within a population with numbers proportional to their presence in the overall population. This method ensures that each subgroup's representation in the sample reflects its true proportion in the larger population, helping to provide a more accurate and representative sample.

What is stratified sampling under research methodology?

Stratified sampling is a sampling method in research where the population is divided into subgroups or strata based on certain characteristics. Samples are then selected from each stratum in proportion to the population, to ensure representation of all groups. This method helps to reduce sampling errors and improves the accuracy of the research findings.

Advantages of stratified sampling?

Stratified sampling allows for more precise estimates as it ensures that each stratum of the population is represented in the sample. It also helps in capturing the characteristics of different subgroups within the population, leading to improved accuracy of results. Additionally, stratified sampling can reduce the sampling error and increase the efficiency of the sampling process.

Why is strata called homogenous in stratified sampling?

Homogeneous refers to groups composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind or nature. In stratified sampling, a population which is composed of diverse groupings is subdivided into two or more groups so that the diversity is decreased in the subgroups. For example, if the total population is composed of males and females, then stratification into subgroups of male and female will result in strata that are of the same kind with respect to the classification variable gender: i.e, the strata are homogeneous. Other classification variables or combinations of classification variables may be used to improve homogeneity.

What type of sampling uses a fair representation of the population?

Stratified sampling is a type of sampling that uses a fair representation of the population by dividing the population into different subgroups or strata and then selecting samples from each stratum in proportion to their size in the population. This method helps ensure that all groups in the population are adequately represented in the final sample.

What is a example sentence of subgroup?

Subgroups of the population have been shown to be poor.

How do you work out stratified sampling?

To conduct stratified sampling, first divide the population into homogeneous subgroups based on a specific characteristic. Then, randomly select samples from each subgroup proportionate to their size in the population. This method helps ensure that each subgroup is represented accurately in the sample, leading to more reliable and precise results.

When dividing a population into subgroups so that a random sample from each subgroup can be collected?

simple random sampling

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