

Best Answer

two C are not bad they c are good you coke a=100 and lower until you get to 93 if you get an f is 69 and ;lower its a an last grade of a good grade which is an average

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Q: Is getting a C grade in both English and Maths good?
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Which is important maths or English?

Both are very important. However maths could still be taught in other languages if English were not available.

Can you get a job with a b in ict at gcse with only d in maths and English?

Well most jobs will require a C in both Maths and English

What is the relations between math and English?

English language is synchronized with maths both are relivant to each other

What grade do they do The Heart of Darkness?

I did it in both Grade 12 and first year University English.

What is worse maths or English?

It depends on personal strengths and weaknesses. Maths is more logical and English is more abstract or creative. However, you need to be strong in both to successfully navigate a career. Keep your skills up and seek help if you must, but pay attention to both.

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maths and English are both compulsory for a standard grade level.

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If you're concerned about what grade the guy is in you do not need to worry about getting together, you both are too young

Are math and English more important than music and art?

You need maths to pay your bills. You need English to write and communicate. You need both to get a decent job. Music and art are more like hobbies than actual life skills. Maths and English are crucial to your survival in the big world outside education. Music and art can be studied if you plan to go into one of those areas as a career choice. Either way, you still need maths and English.

Is maths subject necessary for architecture?

Yes maths and drawing both essential for architecture.

What is the term calidad translated to English?

The term "calidad" in english translates to quality and/or grade. Both of which talk about the characteristics or features, the durability and the fancifulness of a product.

How is Australia the same as US?

- Both of the countries currency is dollars. - Their country was colonised by England. - They both had ethics living in the country before England colonised it: Aborigines and Native Americans. - They both use 'Grade' to name their school classes: Americans say: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade etc but Australians say: Grade 1, Grade 2. - They have both hot weather and cold weather. - They suffer from natural disasters. - They have their own race of animals. - They are MEDC's (More Economically Developed Country) - They both speak English. - They both have different accents from British people.

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