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I'll say no. Let's look at it: Try to make the first part rearrange to look like: 2 / sqrt(X) = 2 / [x^(1/2)] = 2 * x^(-1/2)

Half X to the power minus half could mean
(Half of X) to the power (minus half) = (X/2)^(-1/2) = [(1/2)^(-1/2)] * [(X)^(-1/2)] = [(2)^(1/2)] / [(X)^(1/2)] = sqrt(2) / sqrt(X), which is not the same.

If you mean Half of [X to the power (minus half)] = (1/2) * (X)^(-1/2) = (1/2) / (X)^(1/2) =1 / [2*sqrt(X)], which is not the same either.

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Q: Is half X to the power minus a half the same as two over root X?
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