The area under the normal curve is ALWAYS 1.
Look in any standard normal distribution table; one is given in the related link. Find the area for 2.43 and 1.52; then take the area for 2.43 and subtract the area for 1.52 and that will be the answer. Therefore, .9925 - .9357 = .0568 = area under the normal distribution curve between z equals 1.52 and z equals 2.43.
The area is 0.008894
50 percent.
What is the area under the normal curve between z=0.0 and z=1.79?
the standard normal curve 2
What is the area under the normal curve between z equals 0.0 and z equals 2.0?
The area under the standard normal curve is 1.
The area under the normal curve is ALWAYS 1.
Approx 0.0606
It is 0.1353
The Normal curve is a graph of the probability density function of the standard normal distribution and, as is the case with any continuous random variable (RV), the probability that the RV takes a value in a given range is given by the integral of the function between the two limits. In other words, it is the area under the curve between those two values.