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Q: Is negative 1 bigger than negative 2?
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Are fractions bigger than negative numbers?

You can have negative fractions so it depends. it depends if you have a negative fraction you could have -1/2 but 1/2 is bigger than -1/2. negative numbers will always be smaller than positive numbers.

Why is 2- 3 bigger than 2-5?

A negative number closest to zero is greater 2-3 = negative 1 2-5 = negative 3 negative 1 is bigger because it is closer to zero

Which is bigger negative one half or negative one?

Negative 1/2 is bigger than negative 1. If you look at the number line the farther right you go the bigger the numbers get. example: 1,2,3,4.. so it is the same for negative numbers example: -4,-3,-2,-1,-1/2

Is negative 10 bigger than negative 2?

No, it is not.

Is negative 4 bigger than negative 2?

It's bigger, but its value is less.

What number is bigger negative 5 or 2?

2 is bigger than -5

Is 10 to the negative 2 power bigger than 10 to the negative 5 power?

Yes. 10^-2 = 1/(10^2) = 1/100, 10^-5 = 1/100000

What's bigger a positive 1 or a negative 1?

Positive numbers are bigger than negative numbers. You can also prove it in this case by adding two (2) to both numbers and then comparing. (In algebra doing the same action to both sides of an equation is preserves the relationship between values.) +1+2= 3 -1+2= 1 3 > 1, therefore 1 > -1

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2 is bigger than -8

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Is negative 3 greater than negative 1?

No, It is less. Look at this: -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 smaller................bigger The larger the negative number, the smaller it gets, because it is getting more negative.

Is negative 3 less than negative 4?

no For the negative numbers the biggest is the one closer to 0 so -3 is bigger than -4 and -2 is bigger than -3 and so on