no it is more
2 numbers that are higher are 2 and three higher is -2 and -3
Logarithms of numbers less than one are negative. For example, the logarithm of 1/2 will be negative.
Negative 2/3 is smaller than negative 1/3.
-1 is greater than -2
-1 is less than -1/2.
This can be determined by comparing the inequality, 2 > 1 (2 is greater than 1) Subtract 3 from both sides, then 2 - 3 > 1 - 3 : -1 > -2 Therefore, -1 is greater than -2.
You can have negative fractions so it depends. it depends if you have a negative fraction you could have -1/2 but 1/2 is bigger than -1/2. negative numbers will always be smaller than positive numbers.
no it is more
negative 2, and zero
QBASIC relational operators are... = equal > greater than < lesser than >=greater than/OR, equal to <=lesser than/OR, equal to EXAMPLE QBASIC CODE:- IF 1 > 2 THEN PRINT "1 greater than 2" IF 1 < 2 THEN PRINT "1 lesser than 2" IF 1 = 2 THEN PRINT "1 equal to 2" IF 1 >= 2 THEN PRINT "1 greater than/OR, equal to 2" IF 1 <= 2 THEN PRINT "1 lesser than/OR, equal to 2" ...Output... 1 lesser than 2 1 lesser than/OR, equal to 2 Press any key to continue... QBASIC mathematical operators are... + plus - minus / divide * multiply MOD modulus (remainder) ^ raise to the power EXAMPLE QBASIC CODE:- PRINT "3 + 3 = "; 3 + 3 PRINT "3 - 3 = "; 3 - 3 PRINT "3 / 3 = "; 3 / 3 PRINT "3 * 3 = "; 3 * 3 PRINT "3 MOD 3 = "; 3 MOD 3 PRINT "3 ^ 3 = "; 3 ^ 3 ...Output... 6 0 1 9 0 27 Press any key to continue...
2 numbers that are higher are 2 and three higher is -2 and -3
A negative number closest to zero is greater 2-3 = negative 1 2-5 = negative 3 negative 1 is bigger because it is closer to zero