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If positive 5 means that you received $5, then negative 5 would mean you gave away $5.

If positive 5 means 5 floors above the ground, then negative 5 would mean 5 floors under ground.

If positive 5 means you gained 5 pounds since last week, then negative 5 would mean you lost 5 pounds.

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Q: Is positive 5 and negative 5 the same?
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Does negative 5 have the same value as positive 5?


Why is the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer is always negative?

It isn't always negative. ... for example: -5 + 12 = 7 (a positive number) -5 + 2 = -3 (a negative number) -5 + 5 = 0 (neither negative nor positive) If the negative number has greater magnitude than the positive number, the sum will be negative If the positive number has greater magnitude than the negative number, the sum will be positive If the negative and positive numbers have the same magnitude, the sum will be zero.

Is the quotient of two integers with the same sign negative?

No. Dividing one negative number by another negative number will always give a positive answer (ie. -10/-5 = +2). Likewise, dividing one positive number by another positive number will always give a positive answer (+10/+5 = +2). A negative answer from division will only be obtained when one of the numbers is negative and the other is positive (+10/-5 = -2 and -10/+5 = -2).

What happens if you add negative number by positive number?

If you add a negative number to a positive number, then it's pretty much subtraction. For instance, -5 + 7 is the same as 7-5.

Rules in operation with signed numbers?

I. Addition 1. Positive + Positive = Positive ( +3 PLUS +3 = +6) 2. Negative + Negative = Negative (-3 PLUS -3 = -6) 3. Positive + Negative OR Negative + Positive Subtract the numbers then copy the sign of the number with greater value. (+5 PLUS -3 = +2) (-5 PLUS +3 = -2) II. Subtraction Change the sign of the subtrahend then the follow the rules of addition above. Examples: +5 MINUS -3 = +5 +3 = +8 +5 MINUS +3 = +5 -3 = +2 III. Multiplication 1. Positive x Positive = Positive (+3 times +5= +15) 2. Negative x Negative = Positive (-3 times -5 = +15) 3. Positive x Negative = Negative (+3 times -5 = -15) 4. Negative x Positive = Negative (-3 times +5 = -15) IV. Division Same rules as in multiplication Note: Like signs when multiplied or divided together = Positive Unlike signs when multiplied or divided together = Negative

Related questions

Negative plus a positive is?

It depends. If the positive is bigger, than it will be positive (-5+10=5 is the same as 10-5=5). If it is smaller than the negative, it will be negative (-10+5=-5 is the same as 5-10)

Does negative 5 have the same value as positive 5?


Why is the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer is always negative?

It isn't always negative. ... for example: -5 + 12 = 7 (a positive number) -5 + 2 = -3 (a negative number) -5 + 5 = 0 (neither negative nor positive) If the negative number has greater magnitude than the positive number, the sum will be negative If the positive number has greater magnitude than the negative number, the sum will be positive If the negative and positive numbers have the same magnitude, the sum will be zero.

When adding a plus number with - number what do you get?

When you add a positive number and a negative number, it is the same as subtracting the negative number from the positive number. For example:4 + (-5) is the same as 4 - 5 (which is -1).One more example:(-10) + 15 is the same as 15 + (-10) (because it doesn't matter what order you add numbers), which is the same as 15 - 10. (which is 5).A bit more:That depends on the value of the positive (plus) and the negative (-) numbers. For example, if you add a positive 5 with a negative 3 (-3), the answer will be a positive 2. But if you reverse it and add a negative 5 (-5) with a positive 3 (+3), the answer will be a -2.

What happens when you subtract a negative number from a positive number?

It's the same as adding a positive number.

What is positive 5 minus negative 5?

5-(-5) is the same as 5+5 which means it equals to 10ex:5-(-5) = 10 remember, a negative times a negative is a positive5+5 = 10 (same answer as above)

What are the rules for adding positive and negative numbers?

If you are adding a positive number, then this is the same as normal addition. For instance, 4 add positive 5 is 9. negative 1 add positive 8 is 7. If you are adding a negative number, then this is the same as subtracting that number. For instance 6 add negative 1 is 5. negative 7 add negative 2 is negative 9.

Does a negative number plus a negative number equal a positive or a negative?

Negative. Adding a negative is the same as subtracting a positive. -2 + -3= -2 - 3= -5, not 1

What is a negative mupltiplied by a negative?

A negitive multiplied by a negitive is a Positive. Two of the same signs multiplied by each other is a positive. Example: -5*-5=25 5*5=25

Does a negative multiplied by a negative equal a positive?

Yes. Same for positive times a positive (Obviously). If the signs are the same, it is positive. So, a positive times a negative is negative.

How do you subtract a nagative from a positive?

Subtracting a negative is the same as subtracting the corresponding positive, e.g. 5 - (-2) = 5 + 2.

Negative minus a negative?

Positive minus a negative = positive plus a positive two negatives make a positive 3- (-1) = 3 + 1 = 4 5- (-7) = 12