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Q: Is the independent variable continuous or categorical?
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What is the difference between continuous and categorical independent variables?

A categorical variable (also known as a discrete variable) is one whose range is countable; e.g. the variable answ has values [yes, no, not sure]. answ is a categorical variable with range 3.A continuous variable is one which is not categorical; e.g. weight is a continuous variable which can take any value between 0 and 1000 kg (say) for a human being.

Is number of children a continuous variable or categorical variable?

Neither. It is a discrete variable.

What type of variable continuous discrete or categorical is years of experience?

continuous discrete

2 categorical independent variable and 1 interval dependent variable statistical test?

Two way ANOVA

Is gender a categorical variable?

yes a gender is a categorical variable

Independent continuous variable?

Yes, some of the do exist.

Is a variable discrete or continuous?

It depends how we have computed %age. By and large, percentage is a summary statistic. Its a categorical variable (may be nominal or ordinal). That way its a discrete. In case of assay or yield computations it becomes a continuous variable. Naresh K Chawla

Is percent a discrete or continuous variable?

It depends how we have computed %age. By and large, percentage is a summary statistic. Its a categorical variable (may be nominal or ordinal). That way its a discrete. In case of assay or yield computations it becomes a continuous variable. Naresh K Chawla

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Color is considered a categorical variable.

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