The greater than sign is ">" and the less than sign is "<"
No, ten is equal to ten. If you see a less than/equal to sign, the statement is true.A less than/equal to sign has a less than sign on top of an equal sign.
Accenture * * * * * No, The Accenture logo does not have a "less than" sign.
to graph in equaltities in two variables, you graph the two numbers and/or variables. then you look at the sign to see if its greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to and you graph the line as dashed or a solid
The greater than sign points to the right and the less than sign points to the left. 1<2 1<3 1<4
If it is a 'greater than' or a 'less than' then it's a dotted line. If 'less than or equal' or if it's a 'greater than or equal' then it's a solid line.
you use a solid line when the inequality is less than or equal to or greater that or equal to the dotted line is for less than or greater than
The line is dotted when the inequality is a strict inequality, ie it is either "less than" (<) or "greater than" (>). If there is an equality in the inequality, ie "less than or equal to" (≤), "greater than or equal to" (≥) or "equal to" (=) then the line is drawn as a solid line.
The dotted line between two connectors indicates a relationship. The relationship is not a permanent one, hence the line is dotted rather than solid.
Less than sign is < Greater than sign is >
The greater than sign is ">" and the less than sign is "<"
No, ten is equal to ten. If you see a less than/equal to sign, the statement is true.A less than/equal to sign has a less than sign on top of an equal sign.
the less than sign is > the greater than sign is <
Less than.
An inequality must have a greater than sign (>) OR a less than sign (<) OR a greater than or equal to sign (≥) OR a less than or equal to sign (≤).
If the two sides of the equation are unequal, you need the greater than or the less than sign instead of the equal sign. If the left side is less, use the less than sign. Otherwise, use the greater than sign.