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Q: Is the lower shelf in an oven at the top or bottom?
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Do you bake bread on the top shelf of the oven or the botton shelf?

bake what on the top shelf???????of the what ???the oven? if it is the oven and you are cooking something that takes a long time.... then put it on the top shelf!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are your homemade buttermilk biscuits browning on bottom and not on top?

Too much heat for the pan. Try any or all of these. Use a glass pan Raise oven shelf Lower temp 25F

Which oven shelf is hotter the top or the bottom?

The top shelf is typically hotter in an oven because heat rises. Placing food on the top shelf may result in quicker browning and crisping. However, it's important to adjust cooking times and temperatures accordingly based on the position of the shelf to avoid burning or undercooking.

Which position on an oven shelf is the hottest?

The bottom rack of the oven is the hottest in most electric and gas ovens. With that said, if you have an in oven broiler then you would use the top or middle racks for the hottest spot in the oven.

What does the expression mean cream puffs on a lower shelf?

That sounds like a cooking instruction for a non-fan oven. Without a fan there are temperature zones in a [gas] oven with the lower shelves at a lower temperature than the higher shelves. In a gas cooker, the setting for gas mark is [usually] the centre shelf; the top shelf is about 1 to 11/2 gas marks higher (about 25-37oF, 14-21oC hotter), the bottom shelf is about 1 to 11/2 gas marks lower (about 25-37oF, 14-21oC cooler) - the differences will be in the cooker's manufacturer's instructions. By putting the cream puffs of a lower shelf, they are baked at a lower temperature than that at which the oven has been set, allowing the baking of something else on a higher shelf at a higher temperature at the same time.

62 videos are on the top shelf and twice as many on the bottom shelf how many are on the bottom shelf?


What shelf bottom middle or top is the best cook hot souffles in the oven and why is this the case?

The bottom rack is the best place for cooking hot soufflés in the oven. It is used in order to achieve lift and make it light and airy.

Why cakes cook faster on top shelf?

Cakes cook quickest on the middle shelf because, when the oven is switched on, the heat rises from the bottom of the oven and passes through the middle of the cakes (this helps you get better cakes because they rise more).Hope you learnt something about how a cake cooks quickly! =]

I need to bake a cake but I'm not sure what part of the cooker you use the top or bottom?

Usually the middle shelf of the oven so the air can circulate around

What is the scientific explanation of why the temperature is higher at the bottom of an oven?

The higher temperature at the bottom of an oven is due to the fact that heat rises. The heating element in the bottom of the oven generates heat, which then rises to the top of the oven. This creates a temperature difference within the oven, with the bottom being hotter than the top.

When an object is moved from the bottom shelf to the top shelf its gravitational potential energy has?


Which has more kinetic energy a book on top shelf or book on bottom shelf?

A book on the bottom shelf usually has more kinetic energy because it has the potential to fall from a greater height than a book on the top shelf. As an object falls, its potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.