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Q: Is the normal distribution curve unimodal?
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Is unimodal a normal distribution?

It may be or may not be; however a normal distribution is unimodal.

Does a normal probability distribution include a bimodal distribution?

No, the normal distribution is strictly unimodal.

Are all unimodal distributions normal?

No. Normal distribution is a special case of distribution.

Does the standard normal distribution is unimodal?

Yes it is.

How would you describe the shape of a normal curve?

Bell-shaped, unimodal, symmetric

Are the mean median and the mode the same in a unimodal symmetrical distribution?

No they are not the same in a unimodal symmetrical distribution and they will never be

Why if a probability distribution curve is bell shaped why is this a normal distribution?

A bell shaped probability distribution curve is NOT necessarily a normal distribution.

Normal curve is the meaning of standard normal distribution?

No, the normal curve is not the meaning of the Normal distribution: it is one way of representing it.

What is one indicator of normality?

One indicator of normality is when a data set follows a bell-shaped distribution, also known as a normal distribution. This can be visually represented by a symmetrical, unimodal curve where most of the data points cluster around the mean with decreasing frequency as they move away from the center.

What is the math shape when it looks like a bow?

It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.

Which normal distribution is also the standard normal curve?

The normal distribution would be a standard normal distribution if it had a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1.

In a unimodal symmetrical distribution the mean is equal to?

The median and mode.