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Q: Is uniform distribution unimodal
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Is unimodal a normal distribution?

It may be or may not be; however a normal distribution is unimodal.

Are the mean median and the mode the same in a unimodal symmetrical distribution?

No they are not the same in a unimodal symmetrical distribution and they will never be

In a perfectly symmetrical unimodal distribution is the mode and the median the same as the mean?

No, it is in general not true - for example for uniform distribution on [0,1] every number in the interval is a mode, but the mean is 1/2. The correct answer would be that a symmetric unimodal distribution has one mode equal to the mean (but may have modes elsewhere).

Does the standard normal distribution is unimodal?

Yes it is.

Does a normal probability distribution include a bimodal distribution?

No, the normal distribution is strictly unimodal.

Are all unimodal distributions normal?

No. Normal distribution is a special case of distribution.

In a unimodal symmetrical distribution the mean is equal to?

The median and mode.

What would be the implications if the mean mode and median were equivalent?

Your distribution is unimodal and symmetrical.

How come the mean is less than the median?

If the distribution is not symmetric, the mean will be different from the median. A negatively skewed distribution will have a mean hat is smaller than the median, provided it is unimodal.

What is a model in which each outcome has an equal probability of occurring?

A uniform distribution.A uniform distribution.A uniform distribution.A uniform distribution.

What does unimodal mean?

Please consider the probability density function graphs for the beta distribution, given in the link. For alpha=beta=2, the density is unimodal, which is to say, it has a single maximum. In contrast, for alpha=beta=0.5, the density is bimodal; it has two maxima.

Is the uniform probability distribution is symmetric about the mode?

Yes, the uniform probability distribution is symmetric about the mode. Draw the sketch of the uniform probability distribution. If we say that the distribution is uniform, then we obtain the same constant for the continuous variable. * * * * * The uniform probability distribution is one in which the probability is the same throughout its domain, as stated above. By definition, then, there can be no value (or sub-domain) for which the probability is greater than elsewhere. In other words, a uniform probability distribution has no mode. The mode does not exist. The distribution cannot, therefore, be symmetric about something that does not exist.