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Q: Is the range in distribution ever smaller than standard deviation in a distribution?
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What does standard deviation provide when measuring the range of possible outcomes of a distribution?

It is a measure of the spread of the outcomes around the mean value.

The mean plus or minus the standard deviation for a normal distribution provides a probability range of what percent?

in a normal distribution, the mean plus or minus one standard deviation covers 68.2% of the data. If you use two standard deviations, then you will cover approx. 95.5%, and three will earn you 99.7% coverage

How do you find the interquartile range when given the mean and standard deviation?

In general you cannot. You will need to know more about the distribution of the variable - you cannot assume that the distribution is uniform or Normal.

What are are measures of variability or dispersion within a set of data?

Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.

Is it better to use range or mean absolute deviation when describing any distribution?

I think its better to use range deviation in any distribution because it doesn't cause any trouble

What is the range of standard deviation of 18 15 12 13 17 14 19 20 8?

The range is 12 and the standard deviation is 3.822448314.

Does an outlier have a greater effect on the standard deviation or interquartile range?

On the standard deviation. It has no effect on the IQR.

How many standard deviation tend to cover the entire range of scores in a distribution?

Type your answer here... It depends what percentage of the total data you want to embrace. 99.73% of the total distribution lies between minus to plus 3 standard deviations. That's usually the benchmark range.

How do you find the semi-interquartile range with only the mean and standard deviation?

In general, you cannot. If the distribution can be assumed to be Gaussian [Normal] then you could use z-scores.

Is it possible that you can have a smaller range and a large standard deviation?

Yes. Consider 1,1,1,1,1,3,5,5,5,5,5 and 0,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,5 Set 1: Range = 4, sd = 2.00 Set 2: Range = 5, sd = 1.14

Find the range and standard deviation of the data set. 22 18 19 25 27 21 24?

The range is 9 and 3.01 is the standard deviation.