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Q: Mike walks 100 meters north then walks 30 meters south After this he walks another 10 meters north What is the magnitude of his total displacement during this walk in meters?
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Mike walks 100 meters north then walks 30 meters south. After this he walks another 10 meters north. What is the magnitude of his total displacement during this walk in meters?

The answer is 80 because 100-30+10 is 80.

How can you measure the magnitude of displacement of an object?


120 meters northeast vector or scalar?

The quantity "120 meters northeast" is a vector because it has both magnitude (120 meters) and direction (northeast). Scalars have magnitude only and no specific direction associated with them.

A ball is rolled uphill a distance of 3 meters before it slows stops and begins to roll back the ball rolls downhill 6 meters before coming to a rest against a tree what is the magnitude of the balls?

The magnitude of the balls displacement is 9 meters.

Examples of vector quantities?

Vector quantities are quantities that have directionality as well as magnitude. Displacement (meters North) vs Distance (meters) Velocity (meters per second North) vs Speed (meters per second)

What is the total displacement of a person that travels 80 meters due South than travels another 50 meters due north?

The total displacement is 30 meters South. Displacement is the difference between the initial and final positions of an object, irrespective of the path taken. In this case, the person returns partially to the initial position after moving North by 50 meters.

Can Distance be fully described with a magnitude and a unit?

Yes, distance can be fully described with a magnitude and a unit. The magnitude represents the numerical value of the distance, while the unit provides the scale or reference point for that value (e.g. meters, miles, kilometers). Together, the magnitude and unit provide a complete description of the distance.

If vector A has a magnitude of 14 meters and vector B has a magnitude of 6 meters Vector C equals A-B The magnitude of C cannot be?

The magnitude of C cannot be >20.

What is the definition speed?

Speed is the term that defines the rate of which something (car , flight , running man , .... ) is displaced per a second. no of meters crossed per a second that is for linear speed , another type of speed is the rotational speed which measures the no of radian angles per second crossed by rotating part ... speed is a scalar measurement. velocity defines the rate of displacement (meters or angles) beside direction in which displacement is taken (vectorial measurement --> magnitude and direction).

What is the definition for speed?

Speed is the term that defines the rate of which something (car , flight , running man , .... ) is displaced per a second. no of meters crossed per a second that is for linear speed , another type of speed is the rotational speed which measures the no of radian angles per second crossed by rotating part ... speed is a scalar measurement. velocity defines the rate of displacement (meters or angles) beside direction in which displacement is taken (vectorial measurement --> magnitude and direction).

What The Formula Of Displacement?

Displacement is the shortest distance travelled . formula of Displacement= speed * time in meters

What is the resulting displacement accomplished by Mary's walk?

Mary's walk resulted in a displacement of 500 meters east.