

Odds of rolling a sum of 11?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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If you mean with two dice, you have two favorable events (6+5, and 5+6), out of a total of 36 combinations. Therefore, your probability is 2/36 = 1/18.

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Q: Odds of rolling a sum of 11?
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What are the odds of rolling two dice so that the sum of the numbers is 11?

2 of 12

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The odds of rolling a 7 are 1/6. The odds of rolling two in a row are 1/36. The odds of rolling an 11 are 1/18. The odds of rolling two in a row are 1/324. The odds of rolling doubles are 1/6. The odds of rolling double twice in a row are 1/36.

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The probability is 5/12.

What are the odds on a single roll of a pair of dice against rolling a sum of 6?

The probability is 31/36.

What is the probability of rolling a sum of 11 with 2 dice?

The probability of rolling a sum of 11 with 2 dice is: P(11) = 1/18.For explanation see answer to question: "What is the probability of rolling 7 or 11 with 2 dice?".Read more: What_is_the_probability_of_rolling_7_or_11_with_2_dice

What is the probability of not rolling a sum of 11 with two fair dice?

Since there are two permutations of two dice that sum to 11, (5-6) and (6-5), and since there are 36 permutations of rolling two dice, the probability of not rolling a sum of 11 is 34 in 36, or 17 in 18, or about 0.9444.

What are the odds of rolling a 6 with two dice?

If the question is: What are the odds of rolling a die with a 6 when rolling twodice ? . Answer: There are 36 outcomes when rolling a pair of dice, 10 of themhave a die with a single 6 and 1 of them has two 6. So the probability of rollingone die with a 6 when rolling a pair of dice is P =10/36 =0.2777... . The oddswould be (10 to 26) 5 to 13.If the question is: What are the odds of rolling a sum of 6 when rolling two dice ?Answer: there are 5 outcomes out of the 36 that give the sum of 6. They are;(1,5), (5,1), (2,4), (4,2), and (3,3). So the probability for this event is P =5/36 =0.13888... . The odds would be 5 to 31.

How do you find the probability of rolling two dice and getting a sum of 2 then rolling again and getting a sum of 6?

Count the number of ways they can come up with that value compared to the total number of possible outcomes. There are 6 different ways a die can fall. There are therefore 36 different ways two dice can fall. Of those, only 1 has a sum of 2: 1 on the first die and 1 on the second die (or "11", for short). So the odds of rolling a 2 are 1/36. There are 5 different ways to get a 6: 15 24 33 42 51, so the odds of rolling a six are 5/36. The odds of rolling a 2 then a six are 1/36 * 5/36, or 5/1296.

What is the probability of rolling a sum of 7 and 11?

The answer depends on how many dice you are rolling and how many times.

What is the probability of rolling two dice with a sum of 11?

1 in 18.