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Profit = 20% of loss

ð 1060 - C.P. = 120/100 (C.P. - 950)

ð C.P. = 1000

ð S.P. = 120/100 x 1000

ð 1200 ans.

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Q: Profit earned by selling an article for Ra 1060 is 20 percent more than the loss incurred by selling the article for Rs 950 At what price should be article be sold to earn 20 percent profit?
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How do you find cost price if profit percent and selling price is given?

find cost price if selling price =600 and profit=20%

What is profit and loss in mathematics?

Profit or Loss is always calculated on the cost price.Cost price (C.P.): price on which an item is purchased.Selling price (S.P.): price on which an item is sold.Profit: If the selling price is more than the cost price, the difference between them is the profit incurred. Selling Price (SP) > Cost Price (CP) &rarr; ProfitLoss: If the selling price is less than the cost price, the difference between them is the loss incurred. Selling Price (SP) < Cost Price (CP) &rarr; Loss

What is the definition of profit and loss in mathematics?

Profit:If the selling price(S.P.)of an article is greater than the cost price(C.P.), the difference between the selling price and cost price is called a profit. loss:If the selling price (S.P.) of an article is less than the cost price(C.P.),the difference between the cost price and selling price is called loss.

A percent of the cost of an item added onto the item's cost?

Mark-up, it is not profit. Profit must account for other fixed costs associated with selling

How do you calculate cost price if we know the selling price and profit percent?

What I do is organize it as follows... Cost Price = 100% Selling Price = 100% + profit percent Then you can fill in the variables and cross multiply, for example if you know the selling price is $27 and the profit percent is 10% then you can fill it in accordingly... Cost Price = 100% $27 = 100 + 10 l l \/ Cost Price = 100% $27 = 110% Then you do ($27 x 100%) / 110 to get $24.55. That means that the Cost price is $24.55

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How do you find cost price if profit percent and selling price is given?

find cost price if selling price =600 and profit=20%

What is profit and loss in mathematics?

Profit or Loss is always calculated on the cost price.Cost price (C.P.): price on which an item is purchased.Selling price (S.P.): price on which an item is sold.Profit: If the selling price is more than the cost price, the difference between them is the profit incurred. Selling Price (SP) > Cost Price (CP) &rarr; ProfitLoss: If the selling price is less than the cost price, the difference between them is the loss incurred. Selling Price (SP) < Cost Price (CP) &rarr; Loss

An article bought for 125 was sold for 175 what percent was the profit?


What is the definition of profit and loss in mathematics?

Profit:If the selling price(S.P.)of an article is greater than the cost price(C.P.), the difference between the selling price and cost price is called a profit. loss:If the selling price (S.P.) of an article is less than the cost price(C.P.),the difference between the cost price and selling price is called loss.

The store made a 60 profit on the 180 selling price of the coat What was the store's profit?

I assume your question is 60 percent profit on 180 selling price. The store cost is x, and the profit is 0.60x; the selling price is 180, then x + .60x = 180 1.6 x = 180 x x = 112.50 = cost .60x = 67.50 = PROFIT

How do you work out percentage profit?

Basically, percent profit is: (selling price - cost) / cost = decimal equivalent of percent profit Ex. If selling price was 4 dollars, and the cost was only 2 dollar, the percent profit is: ( 4 - 2 ) / 2 = 2/2 = 1.0 To convert the resulting decimal equivalent of the percent to an indicated percentage then multiply the value (here 1.0) by 100, or move the decimal point two places rightward. 1.0 = 100% The percentage profit was 100%

How many percent profit for the cost RM 11450 with selling price RM 13261?

About 14%

Calculate selling price when cost and profit percent is geven?

it the profit on sales price be 20/100 thepercentag ofprofit on cost price is

What is the meaning of 5 percent profit?

That the selling price is 5% or 1/20 more than the cost.

What is the average retail profit margain?

The average retail profit margin is around 8 percent. Retail makes their profits by selling large quantities of product.

A percent of the cost of an item added onto the item's cost?

Mark-up, it is not profit. Profit must account for other fixed costs associated with selling