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Q: Should the mean not be reported as the primary measure of central tendency when a distribution contains a lot of deviant outcomes?
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What is the smallest measure of central tendency in a positively skewed distribution?

If the distribution is positively skewed distribution, the mean will always be the highest estimate of central tendency and the mode will always be the lowest estimate of central tendency. This is true if we assume the distribution has a single mode.

For a skewed distribution what is a better indicator of the central tendency?


Is Mean is more sensitive to skewness than the median?

If the distribution is positively skewed , then the mean will always be the highest estimate of central tendency and the mode will always be the lowest estimate of central tendency (If it is a uni-modal distribution). If the distribution is negatively skewed then mean will always be the lowest estimate of central tendency and the mode will be the highest estimate of central tendency. In both positive and negative skewed distribution the median will always be between the mean and the mode. If a distribution is less symmetrical and more skewed, you are better of using the median over the mean.

Is median better indicator of central tendency of skewed distribution?

Yes. Central tendency is the way data clusters around a value. Even if the distribution of the value is skewed, the median would be the best indicator of central tendency because of the way the data is clustered.

Most useful central tendency for badly skewed distribution?


What is the relation of the three measures of central tendency to a normal distribution?


What measure of dispersion is used with bimodal distribution?

Central tendency is used with bidmodal distribution. This measure if dispersion is similar to the median of a set of data.?æ

What are the Tools used in descriptive statistics?

frequency distribution regression analysis measure of central tendency

What are the three measures of central tendency?

The mean and median are two measures of central tendency. In introductory statistics many schools include the mode as another example of central tendency but the mode could well be at the end of a distribution.

Why are mean median mode and range considered measures of central tendency?

Range is NOT a measure of central tendency. In a number of distribution - though by no means all - the mean, median and mode are near the middle of the distribution. That is more likely to be the case with a large number of observations (or experiments).

What is the definition of measure of center?

Plotting data in a frequency distribution shows the general shape of the distribution and gives a general sense of how the numbers are bunched. Several statistics can be used to represent the "center" of the distribution. These statistics are commonly referred to as measures of central tendency.

The usual tendency with negative feedback is to find the reason to explain one's own behavior this tendency is termed as?

The usual tendency you're referring to is known as "attribution bias," which is the tendency to attribute negative feedback or outcomes to external factors beyond our control rather than taking personal responsibility. This can lead us to make excuses or blame others rather than reflecting on our own behavior.