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The question is ambiguous because there is no sign shown before the final 6.

Assume it is +6 since -6 would make factorisation very difficult.

Thus the equation is 6b2 - 13b + 6 = 0

Then 6b2 - 4b - 9b + 6 = 0

or 2b(3b - 2) - 3(3b - 2) = 0

ie (3b - 2)(2b - 3) = 0

then 3b -2 = 0 or 2b - 3 = 0

so 3b =2 or 2b = 3

ie b = 2/3 or b = 3/2

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Q: Solve by factoring 6b2-13b 6 equals 0?
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