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standard diviation is variance1/2

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Q: Standard Deviation or Variation
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Why do we need the standard deviation?

The standard deviation is a measure of the spread of data.

How do you do percent variation?

Percent variation is the standard deviation divided by the average

What is the difference between standard deviation and mean?

The mean is the average value and the standard deviation is the variation from the mean value.

Is the higher the standard deviation the greater the variation?

Yes. Since the standard deviation is defined as the square root of the variance, it can be said that the higher the standard deviation, the higher the variance.

What is the difference between standard deviation and coefficient of variation?

standard deviation only measures the average deviation of the given variable from the mean whereas the coefficient of variation is = sd\mean Written as "cv" If cv>1 More variation If cv<1 and closer to 0 Less variation

What does one standard deviation mean?

Standard deviation is a measure of variation from the mean of a data set. 1 standard deviation from the mean (which is usually + and - from mean) contains 68% of the data.

Determine Coefficient of variation from the mean and standard deviation?

Coeff of Variation = Mean/SD

Does variance and standard deviation assume nominal data?

No. Variance and standard deviation are dependent on, but calculated irrespective of the data. You do, of course, have to have some variation, otherwise, the variance and standard deviation will be zero.

Is it true that the standard deviation can equal zero in a data set?

The standard deviation is a measure of how much variation there is in a data set. It can be zero only if all the values are exactly the same - no variation.

How do you calculate expected variation?

Mean 10.70 Standard Deviation 0.030101868

Which measure of variation is appropriate when using the mean?

The variance or standard deviation.

What does the number from the standard deviation tell us?

the variation of a set of numbrs