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Q: The following formula is used by some taxi companies to figure out how much to charge for a ride.c equals f plus rd find the charge for 2.5 if f is 1.10 and r is 0.10.?
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What if you don't enter equals before formula in Excel?

Then it will not be treated as a formula. It will appear literally as you type it. Because cell references and functions begin with letters Excel needs the equals sign to tell it that what is following is a formula and not just a piece of text. You can actually also start a formula with a plus sign or minus sign, but an equals sign will automatically be added.

I am trying to convert a measurement from milliwatts to dBm which is done by the following formula dBm equals 10Log10milliwatts was wondering how to put this formula into Microsoft Excel Anyone know?

Put the power in milliwatts in cell A2, and then use the following formula to get the power in dBm. =10 * LOG(A2)

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To calculate a percent, use the following formula: Part / Whole * 100 43 / 166 *100 = 25.9%

How do you find velocity with charge and joule?

To find velocity with charge and joules, you would need additional information such as the mass of the object or particle carrying the charge. Once you have the mass, you can use the formula for kinetic energy, which incorporates velocity, charge, and energy (in joules) as factors to solve for velocity.

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52.5 feet

What is the chemical formula of lead II decasulfide?

Pb10S10 The prefix deca in decasulfide means that there are 10 sulfide ions in the formula, each with a 2- charge. So the total negative charge is 10 x 2-, which equals 20-. To balance the total sulfide charge, you need enough lead II ions to equal 20+, so that means 10 lead II ions, which equals a charge of 20+. This is not really the correct way to name this compound. It should just simply be lead II sulfide, and the proper formula would be PbS, which, if you look at the ratio of lead to sulfide ions, which is 10:10, the formula for lead II decasulfide should be reduced to PbS.

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divide 0.108 gm by 1 coulomb of charge because e.c.e equals mass in gm/charge

What is the formula called a equals b b equals c therefore a?

That is not a formula, it is the transitive property of equality.

Where does the equals sign go in a formula?

The equals sign goes at the beginning of a formula, as all formulas must begin with one. It is also possible to have the equals sign at other parts of a formula too.

How do you enter a formula using the point and click method?

Press the equals sign to start the formula. Then use the other parts for your functions and operations, and wherever you have cell references, click on them instead of typing them. For example, to do the following formula you would press the equals sign, click on cell A2, press the + key and then click on A3 and then press Enter or click on the tick to the left of the formula bar: =A2+A3

What does an equal sign mean in Excel?

The equal sign in Excel is used to start a formula. All formulas begin with the equals sign. It can also be used for comparing things. In the following example, the first equals sign is starting the formula and the second one is comparing cell A2 and B2: =A2=B2