.. octal adj. Of, relating to, or based on the number eight: an octal number ... isthe base-8 number system,
Based on the number 20.
Nearly all computer math is based on variants of binary numbering. Printouts of computer memory data will combine the binary numbers into four bit groups called hexadecimal digits.
A numbering system based on 10 as the base unit and multiples of it. 10, 100. 1,000
.. octal adj. Of, relating to, or based on the number eight: an octal number ... isthe base-8 number system,
16 The current hexadecimal system was first introduced to the computing world in 1963 by IBM.
The Binary numbering system is based on powers of 2
The Minoans' vigesimal numbering system was based on 20.
The vigesimal, or base-20 numbering system is based on twenty, just like the decimal system is based on ten.
The number system we commonly used, known as the decimal system, has 10 digits (0 to 9). It is possible to use other number systems, with a different number of digits. Any numbering system based on the same principle (the principle of place-value) must use 2 or more digits.
Based on the number 20.
yes, true
Base 20.
Dionysius Exiguus
point, based and place value