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Q: The length of the day depends on what?
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What is the shadow length of person who is 5'4?

That depends upon the time of day, which day of the year it is and where the person is. The shadow length depends upon the angle of the sun above the horizon: shadow_length = height_of_person ÷ TAN(angle_of_sun_above_horizon)

How does the length of your shadow compare to your actual height?

It depends on the time of day, and, therefore, it depends on where the sun is in the sky.

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It depends on the length of x.It depends on the length of x.It depends on the length of x.It depends on the length of x.

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That depends where you are on the planet. the length of day is shorter the further away from the equator you are.

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It depends on the length of the books and how fast you can read.

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Yes, butit definetly depends on the length of the script.

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depends on the person, the size of the blocks, the length of your workday... ect

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It depends on the species of mold, temperature, and humidity.

If you swim 7 hours a week How many calories would you lose?

Depends on the work out type , length in a day.

How long does it take for hair dye to grow out?

It depends on the length you keep your hair. 1/4 in. day on avge.

How high is a tree that casts a 25ft shadow?

You need more information to solve this problem. The length of a shadow depends on the angle of the sun which depends on the time of day.

21 foot tree cast what length of shadow?

Depends what time of day it is ... how high the sun is. It keeps changing all day. No shadow at all at night.