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Q: The number of males in the US is measured in the thousands?
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How many Rabbinical Schools are there in the US?

not sure of an exact number, but definitely thousands

What percentage of white males died during the US Civil War?

Of the white males who were between the ages of 13 and 43 in 1830, 8 percent of them died in the Civil War. Of those 8 percent, the number of white males from the South that died was three times higher than the number from the North.

How often is the population measured to establish the number of representatives for each state?

Every 10 years, by the US Census

How many DOS games are there in the US?

There are thousands and thousands of DOS games in the US

How many computer games are there in the US?

There are a lot of first person shooter games in the US.

What is write the 2 thousands each number is between?

You need to state which number you are referring to. Also, if you're working from a list, you need to show us the list.

What is the Number of pick up trucks in the US?

There has been millions and thousands of pick up trucks in the whole United States.

Who is in the 3 branches of the us?

The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of th US government include individuals and their staff. While the President heads the Executive Branch, the departments, the military and his personal staff is an enormous number of people. There are thousands involved, no, tens of thousands in the service to the US Government.

What is the airport of US?

There are thousands of airports in the US.

What is a US gallon measured in?

A US gallon is measured in fluid ounces (128 per gallon). One US gallon equates to 3.785 litres.