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Q: The probability of two independent events occurring together is the of the probability of each event occurring separately?
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Is the probability of two independent events occurring together the same as the probability of each occurring alone?

No, the combined probability is the product of the probability of their separate occurrances.

How do you calculate the probability for a group of several independent events?

You multiply together their individual probabilities.

What is Probability of Flipping a coin five times in a row and having it land on heads?

The probability of getting a heads on the first flip is 1/2. Similarly, the probability on each subsequent flip is 1/2, since they are independent events. The probability of several independent events happening together is the product of their individual probabilities.

What is used to determine the probability of two indepepdent events occurring?

Multiply together the probability that each event would have of occurring by itself. For example, the probability of rolling a "3" on a single die is 1/6 ,because there are 6 different possibilities. And the probability of flipping a "heads" on a coin is 1/2 , because there are two possibilities. Then the probability of rolling a "3" AND flipping a "heads" is ; 1/6 x 1/2 = 1/12 .

Toss a coin-randomly select a number from 0 to 9 What is the probability of getting tails and selecting a 0?

The result of tossing the coin would not affect which number was selected. So we say that these two events are independent. We can therefore assess the probability of each of them separately and then multiply the two probabilities together for a final result. Probability of getting tails: 1/2 (since there is one way of getting heads out of two possibilities) Probability of getting zero: 1/10 (since there is one way of getting zero out of ten possibilities) Overall probability: 1/2 x 1/20 = 1/20

Related questions

Is the probability of two independent events occurring together the same as the probability of each occurring alone?

No, the combined probability is the product of the probability of their separate occurrances.

What is the probability of two independent events occurring together?

The probability of two independent events occurring together is the product of both events. yw lazy odyssey users like me :)

If the probability of two events occurring together is 0 the events are called .?

Independent events with a probability of zero

Definition of the Product rule in genetics?

The product rule states that the probability of two independent events occurring together is equal to the product of their individual probabilities. In genetics, the product rule is used to calculate the probability of inheriting multiple independent traits or alleles simultaneously from different parents.

How do you calculate the probability for a group of several independent events?

You multiply together their individual probabilities.

What is Probability of Flipping a coin five times in a row and having it land on heads?

The probability of getting a heads on the first flip is 1/2. Similarly, the probability on each subsequent flip is 1/2, since they are independent events. The probability of several independent events happening together is the product of their individual probabilities.

What is used to determine the probability of two indepepdent events occurring?

Multiply together the probability that each event would have of occurring by itself. For example, the probability of rolling a "3" on a single die is 1/6 ,because there are 6 different possibilities. And the probability of flipping a "heads" on a coin is 1/2 , because there are two possibilities. Then the probability of rolling a "3" AND flipping a "heads" is ; 1/6 x 1/2 = 1/12 .

Do eagles live together or separately?

they live separately

Toss a coin-randomly select a number from 0 to 9 What is the probability of getting tails and selecting a 0?

The result of tossing the coin would not affect which number was selected. So we say that these two events are independent. We can therefore assess the probability of each of them separately and then multiply the two probabilities together for a final result. Probability of getting tails: 1/2 (since there is one way of getting heads out of two possibilities) Probability of getting zero: 1/10 (since there is one way of getting zero out of ten possibilities) Overall probability: 1/2 x 1/20 = 1/20

What is the probability you roll a die and get a 2 and an even number?

The probability of getting a 2 is (1/6) as there are 6 sides, the probability of then getting an even number 2,4, or 6 is 3/6 or (1/2). Therefore those 2 even occurring together are 1/6 X 1/2 =1/12 or 8.5%.

How do you get the probability of three dice rolls?

The probability of 3 specific dice rolls is the probability that each one will happen multiplied together. For instance, the probability of rolling 2 then 6 then 4 is the probability of all of these multiplied together: The probability of rolling 2 is 1/6. The probability of rolling 6 is 1/6. The probability of rolling 4 is 1/6. Multiply these together and we get the total probability as 1/216

What is principle of additivity?

The principle of additivity states that the probability of the union of two mutually exclusive events is equal to the sum of their individual probabilities. This means that when events are mutually exclusive (cannot both occur at the same time), their probabilities can be added together to find the probability of either event occurring.