Yes A 4 digit is like 1111 A 5 digit is like 11111
No, a 4-digit number is not always less than a 5-digit number. The value of a number is determined by the digits it contains, not the number of digits. For example, the 4-digit number 9999 is greater than the 5-digit number 1000. It is important to consider the actual numerical value when comparing numbers, not just the number of digits.
Any number that ends in 0 or 5 and has three digits.
The simplest answer is 10124 divided by 125.
24 or 14 or any number greater than 10 than ends in 4
Yes A 4 digit is like 1111 A 5 digit is like 11111
No, a 4-digit number is not always less than a 5-digit number. The value of a number is determined by the digits it contains, not the number of digits. For example, the 4-digit number 9999 is greater than the 5-digit number 1000. It is important to consider the actual numerical value when comparing numbers, not just the number of digits.
Any number that ends in 0 or 5 and has three digits.
11432 is a 5-digit number. Without changing base, it cannot be expressed as a 4-digit number.
The largest 5 digit number is 99999. If this is divided by 11 it leaves a remainder of 9. Therefore the largest 5 digit number divisible by 11 is 99999 - 9 = 99990.
Well, honey, let me break it down for you. When you multiply a 4-digit number (ranging from 1000 to 9999) by a 1-digit number (ranging from 0 to 9), the result can be a 3-digit number (ranging from 0 to 8991). So no, the product of a 4-digit number and a 1-digit number is not always a 5-digit number. Math doesn't discriminate, darling.
what is the largest three-digit number that is divisible by 4, 5, and 6