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Q: What A symmetrical bell-shaped curve that describes the distribution of many types of data. most scores fall near the mean?
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What do you call the bell shaped curve that represents a symmetrical distribution of scores?

You call it a bell shaped curved. It may or may not be Gaussian (Normal).

The mean of a distribution of scores is the?

The mean of a distribution of scores is the average.

The distribution of intelligence test scores in the general population forms a bell-shaped pattern This pattern is called?

The pattern is called a normal distribution, or a bell curve. It is characterized by symmetrical data points around the mean, with most scores clustering around the average and progressively fewer scores as you move away from the mean in either direction.

How do you find the scores at the 60th percentile in a set of 200 scores?

You can't do this without knowing the distribution of scores.

How would you characterize the distribution of scores in a normal distribution?

They are said to be Normally distributed.

When the mean of a distribution of scores of measures is higher than the median the distribution would be?

The distribution is skewed to the right.

What is a negative frequency distribution?

If most the population has many high scores, the distribution is negatively skewed. If most have many low scores, it is positively skewed

How do you find normal distribution of z-scores?

z-scores are distributed according to the standard normal distribution. That is, with the parameters: mean 0 and variance 1.

When to you use a z scores or t scores?

If the distribution is Gaussian (or Normal) use z-scores. If it is Student's t, then use t-scores.

What is a skewed distribution of test scores?

This simply means that if you plot a histogram of the scores it will be asymmetric.

Advantages and disadvantages of grouped frequency distribution?

The advantage of a grouped frequency distribution is that it is small enough for you to get a pretty good idea at a glance how the scores are distributed. The disadvantage is that you are lumping scores together, thus losing some of the information in the original scores.

Intelligence scores follow what kind of distribution?

The IQs of a large enough population can be modeled with a Normal Distribution