you can re-use ur data so you can check watever you wrote down about ur experiment or watever nd see if ur answers add up in the in stay the same
Secondary data is faster, cheaper, and less time consuming while primary data will be time consuming and the cost to conduct it is higher.
Primary data is very advantageous over secondary data in several types of ways. First of all, it is the actual thing, or the whole thing, depending on what primary data you are talking about. Primary data in the form of architecture is obviously much preferable over secondary data such as pictures, because it is there in front of you, and can be examined by your senses, not only seen by your eyes. Obviously secondary data also has advantages, such as being easier to obtain than primary data, but primary data is still a good way to obtain information.
Advantages to the secondary data collection method are - 1) it saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data, 2) provides a larger database (usually) than what would be possible to collect on ones own However there are disadvantages to the fact that the researcher cannot personally check the data so it's reliability may be questioned. See: The link above is primarily on the use of secondary data for purposes of calculating statistics. In this electronic age, secondary data is disseminated very rapidly, such as credit card or employment history. You may want to browse the internet about problems when personal secondary data is widely available.
Secondary data is collecting and possibly processing data by people other than the researcher in question. Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, large surveys, and organizational records (Mintel). In sociology primary data is data you have collected yourself and secondary data is data you have gathered from primary sources to create new research. In terms of historical research, these two terms have different meanings. A primary source is a book or set of archival records. A secondary source is a summary of a book or set of records. Advantages to the secondary data collection method are - 1) it saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data, 2) provides a larger database (usually) than what would be possible to collect on ones own However there are disadvantages to the fact that the researcher cannot personally check the data so its reliability may be questioned.
primary data is where you get o fact off a computer or from a book secondary data is where you get a fact of someone and it might not be true
Secondary data is faster, cheaper, and less time consuming while primary data will be time consuming and the cost to conduct it is higher.
Primary data is very advantageous over secondary data in several types of ways. First of all, it is the actual thing, or the whole thing, depending on what primary data you are talking about. Primary data in the form of architecture is obviously much preferable over secondary data such as pictures, because it is there in front of you, and can be examined by your senses, not only seen by your eyes. Obviously secondary data also has advantages, such as being easier to obtain than primary data, but primary data is still a good way to obtain information.
they are created by people who have never experienced the historical period they described
Advantages of primary data include its accuracy, relevancy, and uniqueness as it is collected firsthand. However, it can be time-consuming and costly to collect compared to secondary data. Additionally, there may be biases introduced by the researcher or limitations in sample size.
Advantages to the secondary data collection method are - 1) it saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data, 2) provides a larger database (usually) than what would be possible to collect on ones own However there are disadvantages to the fact that the researcher cannot personally check the data so it's reliability may be questioned. See: The link above is primarily on the use of secondary data for purposes of calculating statistics. In this electronic age, secondary data is disseminated very rapidly, such as credit card or employment history. You may want to browse the internet about problems when personal secondary data is widely available.
Secondary data is collecting and possibly processing data by people other than the researcher in question. Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, large surveys, and organizational records (Mintel). In sociology primary data is data you have collected yourself and secondary data is data you have gathered from primary sources to create new research. In terms of historical research, these two terms have different meanings. A primary source is a book or set of archival records. A secondary source is a summary of a book or set of records. Advantages to the secondary data collection method are - 1) it saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data, 2) provides a larger database (usually) than what would be possible to collect on ones own However there are disadvantages to the fact that the researcher cannot personally check the data so its reliability may be questioned.
1) Flawless 2) Unique
1. the reliability of data 2. the suitability of data3. adequacy of data
External secondary data - data that is obtained outside the firm itself.
Secondary data is a data collected by someone other than the user. Secondary data for social science include censuses and organizational records.
Advantages and Disadvantages of primary data are: Advantages 1. Data is basic 2. Unbiased information 3. Original data 4. Data from the primary market/ population 5. Data direct from the population. Disadvantages. 1. Large volume of data. 2. Huge volume of population. 3. Time consuming 4. Direct and personal intervention has to be there. 5. Raw data.