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Q: What are 3 consecutive integers such that the sum of the first 24 is more than the third?
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-1, 1 and 3

How do you find consecutive integers?

Consecutive integers could be thought of as counting numbers in a row. One of them is "lowest" and the next one will be one more than that, and the last one will be one more than the second one. The numbers 7, 8 and 9 and 46, 47 and 48 are each said to be three consecutive integers. You often come across a question that tells you that 3 consecutive integers add up to a value. Example 3 consecutive integers add to 6. What are the integers? Let the first integer be x the second is then x +1 the third x+2 add them x+x+1+x+2 =3x+3 and this would be equal to 6. we then have the equation 3x+3=6 3x=3 x=1 so the first integer is 1, the second would be 2 and the third 3

The sum of two consecutive integers is -6943 what are the integers?

Two consecutive integers will be 0.5 more and 0.5 less than the quotient of their sum divided by 2. The given sum of the two consecutive integers divided by 2 is -3471.5, so the two consecutive integers are -3472 and -3471.

What is an example of consecutive?

Consecutive integers are ...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3...One right after the other.Two consecutive integers would be 5 and then one more, 6.

What is the sum of four consecutive even integers is 2 more than five times the first integer?

The integers would begin with 10.

What does non consecutive mean?

Consecutive integers are integers that follow in sequence. Each number is 1 more than the previous numbers.

Find three consecutive odd integers such that three times the middle integer is five more then the sum of the first and third?

We are looking for A B and C if they are consecutive odd integers B=A+2 and C=A+4 We are told 3B=5+A+C If we substitue the first two equations into the third 3(A+2)=5+A+(A+4) so 3A+6=2A+9 A=3 so B=5 and C=7

How do you setup a consecutive integer problem?

the first number is x, the second x+1, third, x+2 and so if the sum of three consecutive integers is 24, the setup would be this:x+x+1+x+2=24if it's consecutive even or odd integers the setup would be x, x+2, x+4, if the sum of three consecutive odd integers is 21, the setup would be:x+x+2+x+4=21for three or more even consecutive numbers, same setup

Find three consecutive integers such that three times the middle integer is one more than the sum of the first and third?

Suppose the middle integer is a. Then the three consecutive integers are a-1, a and a+1. Now, 3*a = (a-1)+(a+1) + 1 So 3a = 2a + 1 => a=1 So the three numbers are 0, 1 and 2

Find 3 consecutive even integers if the product of the first integer and two two less than the second integer is four more than five times the third integer and what is the let statement?

The let statement is: let the smallest of the three integers be x.

What are the integers of the sum of three consecutive integers are 53 more than the least of integers?

25, 26 and 27.