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Q: What are the 5 ways people use cellulose?
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How many different ways can 5 people be selected from a group of 18?

The number of ways is 18C5 = 18!/(5!*13!) = 8,568 ways.

Given the digits 0-9... how many ways can you form an even number without replacement of numbers?

one digit: 5 ways two digits: 5 * 9 ways three digits: 5 * 9 * 8 ways four digits: 5 * 9 * 8 * 7 ways ... ten digits: 5 * 9! ways So if you have to use ten digits, then the answer is 5 * 9! = 1814400. If you can use anywhere from one to ten digits, then the answer is: 5 * (9! + 8! + 7! + 6! + 5! + 4! + 3! + 2! + 1) = 2045565

How many ways can you arrange 14 people in a row?

87,178,291,200 ways. That is factorial 14 or expressed as 14! = 14*13*12*10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 With just 4 people there are 4*3*2*1 = 24 ways With 5 people there are 5*4*3*2*1 = 120 ways etc.etc.

How many ways can 8 people sit in 5 chairs?

8x7x6x5x4= 6720

How many ways can 5 people sit in a row if 2 of them insist on not sitting together?

The first thing to do is to work out how many ways there are without those 2 people minding. There are 5 possibilities for first place, 4 for second and so on, so the number of ways is 5x4x3x2x1 = 120. The next step is to work out how many of these possibilities have the two people sitting next to each other. There are 4 ways in which two people can sit next to each other. For each of these ways there are two possibilities, one with one person on the right, and the other with them on the left. For each of these 8 ways, there are 3x2x1=6 ways the other people could have sat. So there are 8x6=48 invalid ways in total. 120-48 = 72 So there are 72 ways 5 people can sit in a row if 2 of them insist on not sitting together.

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What are 5 ways people depend on animals?

We eat them, some people use there hid (or fur) as clothing, we use them for transportation sometimes, we also use them for farming, and finally for a spiders silk we can use them for blankets and or clothing.

How many different ways can 5 people be selected from a group of 18?

The number of ways is 18C5 = 18!/(5!*13!) = 8,568 ways.

How do plants store glucose that is to be used at a later time?

Plants use glucose in 5 ways: They store it as fats and oils (lipids) in plant seeds They use it to make cellulose to strengthen cell walls They use it to make amino acids for proteins They store it as starch They use it as a reactant of respiration

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Given the digits 0-9... how many ways can you form an even number without replacement of numbers?

one digit: 5 ways two digits: 5 * 9 ways three digits: 5 * 9 * 8 ways four digits: 5 * 9 * 8 * 7 ways ... ten digits: 5 * 9! ways So if you have to use ten digits, then the answer is 5 * 9! = 1814400. If you can use anywhere from one to ten digits, then the answer is: 5 * (9! + 8! + 7! + 6! + 5! + 4! + 3! + 2! + 1) = 2045565

5 people at a dinner table if you have 5 chairs how many different ways could they sit?

5 chairs x 5 people = 25 choices

How many ways can 5 people sit at a round table?

(n-1)! ways 5 people, so 4! ways I do not believe that answer is correct. Look at it this way: Let the first person sit anywhere. Then the remaining 4 people can be seated in 4! (4 factorial = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1) Therefore 4! = 24 ways of seating 5 people around a circular table.

How do you use educate in a sentence in 5 different ways?

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How many ways can 5 people be selected out of 10?

The number of ways is 10C5 = 10!/(5!*5!) = 10*9*8*7*6/(5*4*3*2*1) = 252

How many ways can you arrange 14 people in a row?

87,178,291,200 ways. That is factorial 14 or expressed as 14! = 14*13*12*10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 With just 4 people there are 4*3*2*1 = 24 ways With 5 people there are 5*4*3*2*1 = 120 ways etc.etc.