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A complex number must have a real and imaginary part.

It can be in the form: a + bi

i is an imaginary number and a and b are real numbers

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What is another name for absolute value of a complex number?

The absolute value of a complex number is the magnitude of the number, which is found from sqrt(a² + b²) for the complex number a + bi

Can a complex number be a pure imaginary number?

Yes. And since Real numbers are a subset of complex numbers, a complex number can also be a pure real.Another AnswerYes, for example: (0 + j5) is a complex number, whose 'real' number is zero.

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You get a complex number unless the real number happens to be 0 or 1.

Can adaptations be physical characteristics but not more complex feautures such as behavior?

Yes, adaptations can manifest as physical characteristics that enhance an organism's survival and reproduction in a particular environment. These physical traits are typically the result of genetic changes that confer a survival advantage. Complex behaviors can also be adaptations, as they help organisms interact with their environment and increase their fitness. Both physical characteristics and behaviors can be shaped by natural selection.

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Graphically, the conjugate of a complex number is its reflection on the real axis.

Are imaginary and complex numbers the same?

No. A complex number is a number that has both a real part and an imaginary part. Technically, a pure imaginary number ... which has no real part ... is not a complex number.

Is 3i an irrational number?

No. It is an imaginary (or complex) number.

Is one a real complex pure imaginary or nonreal complex number?

One is a complex number and a real number.