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Q: What are the differences in how we graph each type of quadratic function?
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What is y equals 3x?

I don't understand your question but y=3x is the function of a graph, to graph the function you would plug points into the function such as x=0, x=1, x=-1 and you would find the y values at each point so that you can graph it. In this case the graph is a parabola which has a u shape.

What is a way of determining whether a graph is a function?

For a graph to be a function, each x-value has to take maximum one y-value. One way you can check this is drawing a vertical lines through points on the graph. If a single vertical line intersects the graph in more than one place, that means the x-value defining the line has more than one y-value, and the graph is not a;dr: Draw vertical lines through the function, and if the lines only intersect the graph once, you have a function.

How did you find each product of quadratic equations?

You substitute the value of the variable into the quadratic equation and evaluate the expression.

In mathematics how does one use the quadratic formula?

The Quadratic formula in mathematics is used to solve quadratic equations in algebra. The simplest way to solve these equations is to set each of the factors to zero and then solve each factor separately.

Do you pick the number for x in a function notation?

It depends what you are trying to accomplish, but sometimes you pick a value of x. For example, if you want to graph a function, one approach is to pick several different values of x, solve the equation for each value, and write that as a point on the graph. It may then be possible to connect the points into some kind of coherent shape (although this depends upon the particular function - some are easier to graph than others).

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Always use the vertex and at least points to graph each quadratic equation?

You should always use the vertex and at least two points to graph each quadratic equation. A good choice for two points are the intercepts of the quadratic equation.

Can the graph of a rational function have more than one vertical asymptote?

Assume the rational function is in its simplest form (if not, simplify it). If the denominator is a quadratic or of a higher power then it can have more than one roots and each one of these roots will result in a vertical asymptote. So, the graph of a rational function will have as many vertical asymptotes as there are distinct roots in its denominator.

Is a sign graph a function?

A function must have a value for any given domain. For each edge (or interval), the sign graph has a sign (+ or -) . So, it is a function.

How do you graph and evaluate piecewise functions?

Graph each "piece" of the function separately, on the given domain.

Why does f represent the graph of a function?

Because each vertical lines meets its graph in a unique point.

Is a piecewise graph a function?

Yes, a piecewise graph can represent a function as long as each piece of the graph passes the vertical line test, meaning that each vertical line intersects the graph at most once. This ensures that each input has exactly one output value.

Is the inverse of a quadratic function not a function?

Yes, what you do is imagine the function "reflected" across the x=y line. Which is to say you imagine it flipped over and 'laying on its side". Functions have only one value of y for each value of x. That would not be the case for a "flipped over" quadratic function

What is y equals 3x?

I don't understand your question but y=3x is the function of a graph, to graph the function you would plug points into the function such as x=0, x=1, x=-1 and you would find the y values at each point so that you can graph it. In this case the graph is a parabola which has a u shape.

Which type of graph would you compare the amount of rainfall each month for one year?

A bar graph would be ideal for comparing the amount of rainfall each month for one year as it allows for a clear visualization of the differences in rainfall between each month.

Place the steps to sketch the graph of a rational function in the appropriate order?

answer is:Find the function's zeros and vertical asymptotes, and plot them on a number line.Choose test numbers to the left and right of each of these places, and find the value of the function at each test number.Use test numbers to find where the function is positive and where it is negative.Sketch the function's graph, plotting additional points as guides as needed.

What is used to determined if the graph is a function or not?

There is a method called a vertical line test. A function is defined as a system that has one output for each input. Therefore for every x, there is only one y. So if you draw a vertical line anywhere and you get more than one point that intersects the graph, it is not a function. If it intersects only once, the graph is a function.

What is a way of determining whether a graph is a function?

For a graph to be a function, each x-value has to take maximum one y-value. One way you can check this is drawing a vertical lines through points on the graph. If a single vertical line intersects the graph in more than one place, that means the x-value defining the line has more than one y-value, and the graph is not a;dr: Draw vertical lines through the function, and if the lines only intersect the graph once, you have a function.