

Best Answer

In English:

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four
  5. five
  6. six
  7. seven
  8. eight
  9. nine
  10. ten

In German (Auf Deutsch)

  1. eins
  2. zwei
  3. drei
  4. vier
  5. fünf
  6. sechs
  7. sieben
  8. acht
  9. neun
  10. zehn

Spanish Numbers (in Espanol)

  1. uno
  2. dos
  3. tres
  4. cuatro
  5. cinco
  6. seis
  7. siete
  8. ocho
  9. nueve
  10. diez

French Numbers (en Fracais)

  1. un
  2. deux
  3. trois
  4. quatre
  5. cinq
  6. six
  7. sept
  8. huit des
  9. dix
  10. neuf

In Bulgarian (В България)

  1. и да
  2. е две
  3. три
  4. четири
  5. пет
  6. шест
  7. седем
  8. осем
  9. девет
  10. десет

In Czech (V češtině)

  1. Jeden
  2. dva
  3. tři
  4. čtyři
  5. pět
  6. šest
  7. sedm
  8. osm
  9. devět
  10. deset

In Hatian Creole (An kreyòl Dayiti)

  1. yon sèl
  2. de
  3. twa
  4. kat
  5. senk
  6. sis
  7. sèt
  8. wit
  9. nèf
  10. dis

In Hungarian (A magyar)

  1. egy
  2. két
  3. három
  4. négy
  5. öt
  6. hat
  7. hét
  8. nyolc
  9. kilenc
  10. tíz

In Italian (In italiano)

  1. uno
  2. due
  3. tre
  4. quattro
  5. cinque
  6. sei
  7. sette
  8. otto
  9. nove
  10. dieci

In Latvian (In latviešu)

  1. vienu
  2. divas
  3. trīs
  4. četras
  5. piecas
  6. sešu
  7. septiņi
  8. astoņas
  9. deviņi
  10. desmit

In Lithuanian (Lietuvių)

  1. vienas
  2. dviejų
  3. trijų
  4. keturių
  5. penkių
  6. šešis
  7. septynių
  8. aštuonių
  9. devynių
  10. dešimt

In Norwegian (På norsk)

  1. én
  2. to
  3. tre
  4. fire
  5. fem
  6. seks
  7. sju
  8. åtte
  9. ni
  10. ti

In Polish (W języku polskim)

  1. jeden
  2. dwa
  3. trzy
  4. cztery
  5. pięć
  6. sześć
  7. siedem
  8. ośmiu
  9. dziewięciu
  10. dziesięć

In Portuguese (Em português)

  1. uma
  2. duas
  3. três
  4. quatro
  5. cinco
  6. seis
  7. sete
  8. oito
  9. nove
  10. dez

In Slovak (V slovenskom jazyku)

  1. jeden
  2. dva
  3. tri
  4. štyri
  5. päť
  6. šesť
  7. sedem
  8. osem
  9. deväť
  10. desať

In Slovenian (V slovenskem)

  1. eno
  2. dve
  3. tri
  4. štiri
  5. pet
  6. šest
  7. sedem
  8. osem
  9. devet
  10. deset

In Swedish (På Svenska)

  1. en
  2. två
  3. tre
  4. fyra
  5. fem
  6. sex
  7. sju
  8. åtta
  9. nio
  10. tio

In Turkish (İn Turkish)

  1. bir
  2. iki
  3. üç
  4. dört
  5. beş
  6. altı
  7. yedi
  8. sekiz
  9. dokuz
  10. on
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Q: What are the numbers up to ten in other languages?
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1'3'10 etc;

What is base-ten shorthand?

it is adding up the numbers with base the base ten peices like its really easy.

What are four consecutive numbers that add up to 10?

Four consecutive numbers adding up to ten are: 1+2+3+4

What two numbers multiply to 60 and add up to 16?

Ten and six.

How many four number combinations are there in ten numbers?

shut up guys

What is the special name for numbers that add up to ten?

They are called Units I think !!

What are 3 consecutive numbers that add up to ten thousand?

3332, 3333 and 3334 add up to 9999 - there are no three consecutive numbers that add up to 10,000.

What numbers add to make multiples of ten?

There are infinitely many multiples of ten. There are infinitely many sets of 2, 3, 4, ..., infinitely many numbers that add up each one of the multiples of ten. It is, therefore, impossible to answer the question.There are infinitely many multiples of ten. There are infinitely many sets of 2, 3, 4, ..., infinitely many numbers that add up each one of the multiples of ten. It is, therefore, impossible to answer the question.There are infinitely many multiples of ten. There are infinitely many sets of 2, 3, 4, ..., infinitely many numbers that add up each one of the multiples of ten. It is, therefore, impossible to answer the question.There are infinitely many multiples of ten. There are infinitely many sets of 2, 3, 4, ..., infinitely many numbers that add up each one of the multiples of ten. It is, therefore, impossible to answer the question.