11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111, 121, 131, 141, 151, 161, 171, 181, 191, 202, 212, 222, 232, 242, 252, 262, 272, 282, 292, 303, 313, 323, 333, 343, 353, 363, 373, 383, 393, 404, 414, 424, 434, 444, 454, 464, 474, 484, 494, 505, 515, 525, 535, 545, 555, 565, 575, 585, 595, 606, 616, 626, 636, 646, 656, 666, 676, 686, 696, 707, 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, 787, 797, 808, 818, 828, 838, 848, 858, 868, 878, 888, 909, 919, 929, 939, 949, 959, 969, 979, 989, 999
There are 90 palindromic numbers between 100 and 1000
Magsolve ka Naman boy!
A palindromic number is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. Between 1000 and 2000, the possible palindromic numbers have the form "ABBA" where A and B are digits from 1 to 9. There are 9 options for A (1-9) and 10 options for B (0-9), but we exclude the case where A is 0. Therefore, there are 9 * 10 = 90 palindromic numbers between 1000 and 2000.
There are 90 palindromic numbers between 100 and 1000
1 to 1000. Pilandromic 108
There are 107 numerical palindromes between the numbers 1 and 1000, starting from 2 to 999.
Magsolve ka Naman boy!
1001,1111,1221,1331,1441,1551,1661,1771,1881,1991,2002,2112,2222,2332,2442,2552,2662,2772,2882,2992,3003,3113,3223,3333,3443,3553,3663,3773,3883,3993,4004,4114,4224,4334,4444,4554,4664,4774,4884,4994: 40 numbers in all.
A palindromic number is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. Between 1000 and 2000, the possible palindromic numbers have the form "ABBA" where A and B are digits from 1 to 9. There are 9 options for A (1-9) and 10 options for B (0-9), but we exclude the case where A is 0. Therefore, there are 9 * 10 = 90 palindromic numbers between 1000 and 2000.
If you think about the digits, you can rewrite them as ABBA, with A being one digit and B being another: A can be 1-9 and B can be 0-9. Since A has to be 1, B can be 0-9, leaving 10 palindromic numbers.
There are not just 13 non-palindromic numbers. Most numbers are non-palindromic.
a 8-digits palindromic number is a number consisting of a 4-digits number written and then written backward, i.e. 1234 4321 so there are as many palindromic 8-digits numbers as 4-digits numbers so from 1000 to 9999, so there are 8999 palindromic 8 digits number (I assumed that 00011000 is not to be considered as a valid 8 digit number)
There are more 12-digit palindromic numbers than 11-digit palindromic numbers. This is because the number of possible 12-digit palindromic numbers is greater than the number of possible 11-digit palindromic numbers. In general, the number of palindromic numbers of length n is 9 * 10^((n-1)/2), so for 11-digit palindromic numbers, there are 9 * 10^5 = 900,000 possibilities, while for 12-digit palindromic numbers, there are 9 * 10^6 = 9,000,000 possibilities.