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The two lines are y = 2x + k and y = x² - 2x - 7

Which means they meet at:

2x + k = x² - 2x - 7

→ x² - 4x - (k+7) = 0

This can be solved using the formula for quadratics:

x = (- -4 ± √((-4)² - 4×1×-(k+7)))/2

= 2 ± √(4 + k + 7)

= 2 ± √(k + 11)

This has one solution when the determinant (the part in the square root) is 0, ie

k + 11 = 0

→ k = -11

If the determinant is positive, there are two solutions, ie

k + 11 > 0

→ k > -11

Thus the there are two distinctive points if k > -11, and only 1 point if k = -11.

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Q: What are the possible values of k if the line y equals 2x plus k meets the curve of y equals x squared -2x -7 at 2 distinctive points or at only 1 point?
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