Multiply it by a 100 or move the decimal point two places to the right
They are simply different ways of representing numbers.
move decimal 2 places to right to convert any decimal to a percent
Starting with one of fraction, percent or decimal, find an equivalent value in one of the other ways of expressing numbers.
They are all different ways of representing numbers.
0.200 0.2 .2000
They are simply different ways of representing numbers.
move decimal 2 places to right to convert any decimal to a percent
Starting with one of fraction, percent or decimal, find an equivalent value in one of the other ways of expressing numbers.
They are all different ways of representing numbers.
0.200 0.2 .2000
They can show the same number, just in different ways. You can convert fractions into decimals or decimals into fractions.
I think there is three different ways to write a fraction. You can write it as a percent, a decimal, and a reduced fraction. I hope this works! :)
0.9 percent as a decimal is 0.009. There are two ways to convert percentages to decimal. The first is to take the percentage and divide by 100. For example: 0.9% / 100 = 0.009. Alternatively, one can convert a percentage to a decimal by moving the decimal point two digits over to the left. If there are no digits to the left, add zeros until the conversion is complete. So, for 0.9%: 0.9 -> 0.09 -> 0.009
0.08 can be expressed as:A fraction, eight hundredths (8/100).A percent, eight percent (8%).A decimal, eight hundredths (0.08)
Write 2 ways in which whole numbers and decimal numbers are different
203% = 2.03 = 203/100 = 2 3/100. These are simply different ways of writing the same quantity.