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You could add a negative number. ex. 98 + -100 = -2

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Q: What can you add to a number to get a sum less than zero?
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What are the rules for addition?

Addition is combining the value of the numbers. Ex... 3+4=7. This means 3 units from zero added to 4 units from zero equals 7 units from zero. When you add you always get a higher number... basically. I said basically because sometimes you can add a negative number. Ex. 3 + -4 = -1. This means 3 units greater than zero added to 4 units less than zero equal 1 units less than zero. Negative numbers are numbers less than zero. Positive numbers are greater than zero.

How is a negative integer less then any positive integer?

Because positive numbers are to the right of negative numbers on the number line. If you have two numbers, one the negative of the other, and you add the positive to the negative, you get zero. If you add the positive to zero, you get a positive number. So positive numbers are an increase from zero, which is an increase from negative numbers. A negative number may have a greater absolute value than a positive number, but it will always be less than a positive number.

Why zero is bigger than anything?

One way I can think of is if you add the mighty zero to any number, the number's size increases. For example from 1, to 10. Add more than 1 to get an even bigger number.

Can you show me how to round to the nearest tens and hundreds of this number 2543?

2534 2530 2500 3000 if the number is less than 5 then turn it to zero if the number is 5 or more then add 1 to the next number

What do you round the number 6 in the number 55.60?

It would be rounded to 55.6 because zero is less than five. If it was, say, 55.68 then it would be 55.7 (plus the zero doesn't really count, you could add a hundred more zeros after 55.6 and it would be the same number)

Is 1.05 greater than 1.5?

No it isn't! 1.5 is greater because if you add a zero in front of it, it sort of dilutes it. The more zeros that you put in front of a number, the less greater it will be.

Zero pair, ?

A number and its opposite,which add to zero.

What happens when you add a zero to a non zero number?

if you add it to the back the number would get bigger and if you add it to the front it would stay the same

Is 1.5 greater or less than 1.05 Explain?

the answer is 1.5 is greater than 1.05 because 1.05 is the same as 1.5 but when u add a 0 in the front, it makes the number less than the way it was before the more zeros u put in front the less the number will get.

What is the sum of a number and zero?

If you add zero to any number, the sum is the same number you started with.

What is the greatest number you can add to 176 to get a sum less than 300?

Assuming that you want an integer (a whole number) less than 300, then the number you'll be looking to reach is 299. To get to 299 from 176 you need to add 123.

What happen when you add zero to a number?

When you add zero to a number, the number does not change. Ex: 5+0=5 5+2+0=7