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Q: What consecutive terms is constant in a geometric sequence?
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In a geometric sequence the between consecutive terms is constant.?


In a geometric sequence the ratio between consecutive terms is .?

It is a constant, other than 0 or 1.

Descending geometric sequence?

A descending geometric sequence is a sequence in which the ratio between successive terms is a positive constant which is less than 1.

Is The Fibonacci sequence arithmetic?

No, the Fibonacci sequence is not an arithmetic because the difference between consecutive terms is not constant

Is the Fibonacci sequence a geometric sequence?

No. Although the ratios of the terms in the Fibonacci sequence do approach a constant, phi, in order for the Fibonacci sequence to be a geometric sequence the ratio of ALL of the terms has to be a constant, not just approaching one. A simple counterexample to show that this is not true is to notice that 1/1 is not equal to 2/1, nor is 3/2, 5/3, 8/5...

How do you calculate the ratio of consecutive terms?

If the nth term is Tn, the ratios of consecutive terms are Tn+1/Tn for n = 1, 2, 3, ... This will be a constant only for geometric sequences.

What is the geometric sequence formula?

un = u0*rn for n = 1,2,3, ... where r is the constant multiple.

Is geometric sequence a sequence in which each successive terms of the sequence are in equal ratio?

Yes, that's what a geometric sequence is about.

What is the difination of the harmonic sequence?

A harmonic sequence is a sequence of numbers in which the reciprocal of each term forms an arithmetic progression. In other words, the ratio between consecutive terms is constant when the reciprocals of the terms are taken. It is the equivalent of an arithmetic progression in terms of reciprocals.

What does geometric sequence?

You mean what IS a geometric sequence? It's when the ratio of the terms is constant, meaning: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16... The ratio of one term to the term directly following it is always 1:2, or .5. So like, instead of an arithmetic sequence, where you're adding a specific amount each time, in a geometric sequence, you're multiplying by that term.

Do the terms of a geometric sequence increase as it proceeds?


In what sequence are all of the terms the same?

A static sequence: for example a geometric sequence with common ratio = 1.