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Any number that has 4 or 5 digits. A digit in a number is one number place. 1 has 1 digit, 11 has 2 digits, 111 has 3 digits, and so on.

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Q: What do you mean by 4 to 5 digit numbers?
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There are 5 numbers which can make the 3 digit numbers in this example. Therefore each digit in the 3 digit number has 5 choices of which number can be placed there. Therefore number of 3 digit numbers = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125

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There are 2000 4-digit numbers that are multiples of 5, so, instead of listing them all, it is equally valid to say: Any4-digit number whose final digit is either a 5 or a 0 is a multiple of 5. Get Right? :P

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40,000, 80,000

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How many 2 digit combinations can be made from 5 numbers combined with 4 different numbers?

20 There can be two answers to this: I'll assume this is what you meant-> let's say you mean like pairing the numbers 1-5 with the numbers 6-9. 5*4=20