There are 600 5-digit numbers divisible by 150.
There are 9000 of them.
None. 3 digit numbers are not divisible by 19 digit numbers.
There are 5 numbers which can make the 3 digit numbers in this example. Therefore each digit in the 3 digit number has 5 choices of which number can be placed there. Therefore number of 3 digit numbers = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125
With a total of 90,000 five digit numbers, we can conclude that there is 45,000 EVEN five digit numbers.
The answer will depend on how many digits there are in each of the 30 numbers. If the 30 numbers are all 6-digit numbers then the answer is NONE! If the 30 numbers are the first 30 counting numbers then there are 126 combinations of five 1-digit numbers, 1764 combinations of three 1-digit numbers and one 2-digit number, and 1710 combinations of one 1-digit number and two 2-digit numbers. That makes a total of 3600 5-digit combinations.
The first digit can be any one of 1,2,3,4,5. With each choice of digit1, the second digit can be any one of 1,2,3,4,5 so making 5*5 two-digit numbers. With each of these, the third digit can be any one of 1,2,3,4,5 so making 5*5*5 three-digit numbers and so on. The total number is 55 = 3125.
There are 600 5-digit numbers divisible by 150.
There are 9 1-digit numbers and 16-2 digit numbers. So a 5 digit combination is obtained as:Five 1-digit numbers and no 2-digit numbers: 126 combinationsThree 1-digit numbers and one 2-digit number: 1344 combinationsOne 1-digit numbers and two 2-digit numbers: 1080 combinationsThat makes a total of 2550 combinations. This scheme does not differentiate between {13, 24, 5} and {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Adjusting for that would complicate the calculation considerably and reduce the number of combinations.
There are five such numbers.
5! or 5P5 . A total of 120 series
90000. With 10 digit palindromes, the last 5 digits are the same as the first 5 digits in reverse, eg 12345 54321. So it comes down to how many 5 digit numbers are there? They are the numbers "10000" to "99999", a total of 99999 - 10000 + 1 = 90000.
There are 9000 of them.
None. 3 digit numbers are not divisible by 19 digit numbers.
There are 90000 5-digit numbers.
There are 5 numbers which can make the 3 digit numbers in this example. Therefore each digit in the 3 digit number has 5 choices of which number can be placed there. Therefore number of 3 digit numbers = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125