There are 9000 4-digit numbers.
8*9*9*9 = 5832 of them do not contain a 5
The remaining 3168 contain a 5.
There are 17 of them.
256 Each "place holder" if you will, may contain 4 numbers. So it is 4x4x4x4
There are 22680 numbers, excluding those with leading 0s.
There are 17 of them.
There are 9000 4 digit numbers Find 4 digit numbers that are all different from 1 find 4 digit numbers that are all different from 1 The thousands digit has 8 ways to choose, hundreds, tens, and units all have 9 ways => there are 8 x 9 x 9 x 9 = 5832 digits => 4 digit numbers contain at least 1 digit 1 = number of 4 digit numbers , the number of 4 digit numbers is different by digit 1 =9000 - 5832 = 3168 numbers
256 Each "place holder" if you will, may contain 4 numbers. So it is 4x4x4x4
Nine digits, four positions becomes 94 or 6561.
18 positive integers and 36 integers (negative and positive)
3 digit numbers are lessthan 4 digit numbers