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Q: What does 9000000 B in B in the K M S mean?
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The rate law for this reaction is rate = k[A]^m[B]^n. From the given information, substituting the values for rate, [A], [B], and the exponents m and n, you can solve for the rate constant k. In this case, k = rate / ([A]^m[B]^n), so k = 2 / (10^2 * 3^1).

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What type of stars is there?

O, B, A, F, G, K, and M

What is the rate of a reaction if the value of k is 0.01 A is 2 M and B is 3 M Rate kA3B2?

The rate of the reaction is calculated using the rate equation: rate = k[A]^3[B]^2. Given k = 0.01, [A] = 2 M, and [B] = 3 M, the rate can be determined by substituting these values into the rate equation and solving for the rate.