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Q: What does any answer equal to anything in math?
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What does B equal in mats?

In math, variables (letters) such as "b" can equal anything. Depending on the context, it can mean "an amount you have to figure out based on the information provided", or "a placeholder for any amount you choose".

Is there any way 2 pluys 2 can equal anything but 4?

Your question, "Is there any way 2 plus 2 can equal anything but 4?" My answeris YES. If you were to use base 3 math, 2 plus 2 would then equal "11" (base 3) 2 plus 2 = 11 (base 3)

How can 5 any math symbol 5 any math symbol ex. plus 5 equal 3?

I don't understand

Why does -1 times -1 equal 1?

Because math that's why....anything multiplied by one will be unchanged.

What does eleven times eleven equal?

It is 121! if it's for math then it won't be rong even on anything else.its right.

Is math essential for life?

No. Math is like a language used to describe things, including things that ARE essential to life. However, in theabsence of any mathematical descriptions, life would go on. Yes. Math is essential to life because anything could be Math. Anything could be connected to math.

What is a value equal to itself?

Any value is equal to itself.

How does Math relate to beauty?

Unless your math problem has anything to do with adding, dividing, multipling, or subtracting any beauty products then I don't know.

Why does any numbers times 0 equal 0?

if you have zero of anything then you don't have any of anything which means you have nothing. you can have any amount of nothings but you still won't have anything.

What is an example of a math equation?

2+2=4 2+a=4 A math equation is any mathematical sentence that has an equal sign, numbers, or variables in it ;)

What do sports have to do with math?

It doesn't have to do anything with math.

What is the root of a problem?

If you mean a math problem, "root" is another word for "solution".The "root" of a polynomial in "x" is any value for "x" which will set the polynomial equal to zero, when evaluated.If you mean a math problem, "root" is another word for "solution".The "root" of a polynomial in "x" is any value for "x" which will set the polynomial equal to zero, when evaluated.If you mean a math problem, "root" is another word for "solution".The "root" of a polynomial in "x" is any value for "x" which will set the polynomial equal to zero, when evaluated.If you mean a math problem, "root" is another word for "solution".The "root" of a polynomial in "x" is any value for "x" which will set the polynomial equal to zero, when evaluated.