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It means that the value of the observation is in the highest ten percent. Whether that is good or bad depends on the context.

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Q: What does it mean to be in the 90th percentile?
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What is the 90th percentile?

90th percentile is simple another way of saying that 9% scored above and 90% scored below (the other 1% being the number 90). For example, if you take a type of standardized test in high school, if you do well, you are at the 90th percentile, meaning 90% of students scored lower than you and 9% scored better. You can not be in the 100% percentile, because you cannot score better than yourself.

What is the 90th percentile for the following 12 20 50 60 80 90 90 110 140 180 260 340 380 1600?


Total cholesterol in children 10 to 15 years of age is assummed to follow a normal distribution with a mean of 191 amd a standard deviation of 22.4 what is the 90th percentile of total cholesterol?

The basic formula we need is the Standard Normal Distribution formula (see related link) which is Z = (x - mean)/std dev. Solve for x, and we get: x = mean + z*std dev. From the Z table (see related link), area = 0.900 (your 90% in decimal form) we get the closest z value of 1.28 (from area = 0.8997). We can now solve for x, the value at the 90th percentile. X = 191 + (1.28)*22.4 or 219.672. Cholesterol, to my knowledge, is always given in whole numbers, so the value is 220 (rounded up).

On an IQ test if you missed one out of ten questions what is your IQ?

First, an IQ test of only ten questions is not going to be very accurate. One out of ten would be the 90th percentile. Which would be somewhere around 125.

What is the percentile rank of the score 20 in a unit normal distribution that has a population mean of 21 and a variance of 4?

It is the 31st percentile.

Related questions

How many standard deviations above the mean is the 90th percentile?

It is 1.28

Does 90th percentile equal top 10 percent?

That's right, the 90th percentile is the top 10%.

What is adult 90th height percentile?

6'1 1/2" is the 90th.

Calculate 90th percentile of eight sample results?

0.90 x 8 = 7.2 0.90 = 90/100 (90th percentile) 8 = 8 samples 7.2 has to be rounded to the nearest even 8 so the 8th result is the 90th percentile value

What is 90th percentile out of 40?

For a complete definition of Percentile see the related link. A percentile is the value of a variable below which a certain percent of observations fallThe 90th percentile is typically the point at which 10 percent of the highest scores fall.If you assume that scores are out of 40, and that they are evenly distributed (an unlikely event in real life), then the 90th percentile is all scores above 36.

What is the 90th percentile?

90th percentile is simple another way of saying that 9% scored above and 90% scored below (the other 1% being the number 90). For example, if you take a type of standardized test in high school, if you do well, you are at the 90th percentile, meaning 90% of students scored lower than you and 9% scored better. You can not be in the 100% percentile, because you cannot score better than yourself.

What percentile does a raw score in the 70s or 80s on a practice test of the Miller Analogies Test represent?

Raw scores in the 70s or 80s correspond to the 90th or 95th percentile.

The national average SAT score is 1028 with a standard deviation of 92 Assuming a normal distribution what score corresponds to the 90th percentile?


What is the 90th percentile for the following 12 20 50 60 80 90 90 110 140 180 260 340 380 1600?


Is 180 a good score on the PSAT for a seventh grader taking it for the first time?

Yes. It is a very good score for a seventh grade and is approximately equivalent to the 90th percentile for a sophomore.

A Typical College Graduate has an IQ score of 120 What percentage of the population has a higher IQ?

ca. 9 % has an higher IQ.... (IQ 119 90th percentile equals top 10%)

How do you Find the value of the 90th percentile of the following set of data 18 9 7 5 11 7 17 20 19 2 17 12 5 1 13 12 11 15 16 20?

Put them in ascending order. There are 20 numbers. 90% of 20 is 18 so the 90th percentile is the 18th number going from smallest to largest. Equivalently, it is the third number going from largest to smallest - which is 18.